Novel Baswedan’s Case Must be Investigated To Prove The State Doesn’t Lose With Criminal Group Attacks

Novel Baswedan, a senior investigator with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), was rushed to a hospital emergency room after he suffered burns to his face from an acid attack on Tuesday morning. An unidentified person reportedly hurled acid at Novel after the investigator joined a morning prayer in a mosque near his home in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Novel’s wife, Emil, said her husband was currently receiving intensive care in Mitra Keluarga Hospital’s emergency room.
Novel, who is investigating an e-ID embezzlement case and has been previously involved in the investigation of corruption related to a driving simulator procurement project in 2011, has reportedly received several threats and has been attacked in recent years. In a recent incident, he was hit by a car. He was also previously accused of participating in an assault that led to the death of a convict in Bengkulu.
In a hearing of the e-ID case trial on March 30, Novel testified that graft suspect Miryam S. Haryani had told him that five House of Representatives members had threatened the Hanura Party politician so she would not report to the KPK that she and several other politicians had improperly received money from the Rp 5.9 trillion (US$440 million) project.
In 2011, Novel participated in the investigation of corruption related to the procurement of driving simulators, which eventually put former police traffic division chief Djoko Susilo behind bars.
Novel is one of the top KPK investigators who has led some high-profile cases in the past, such as those related to the procurement of driver’s license simulators, which implicated then National Police traffic division chief Insp. Gen. Djoko Susilo. Novel also took part in a KPK investigation that uncovered extensive corruption related to the implementation of an e-ID program. Several House of Representatives members and high-ranking government officials have been implicated in that case.
Novel had received several threats and had been attacked in recent years. In a recent incident, he was hit by a car. He was also previously accused of participating in an assault that led to the death of a convict in Bengkulu.
Responding to Novel’s case, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is urging the government, particularly President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and the National Police, to take firm action in responding to the attack against Novel Baswedan, a senior investigator with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
According to ICW coordinator Adnan Topan Husodo, KPK personnel have several times got attacked. The president and police must take it seriously, because all people must know who is responsible for this attack. The government should protect all people who are working to combat corruption.
“This attack is likely related to the investigation of the e-ID graft case and this terrorism is a serious threat to the country’s agenda of combatting corruption,” Adnan said
Voicing similiar concerns, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, the chairman of the youth wing of Indonesia’s second biggest Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah, said he was shocked to hear the report about the physical attack against the senior antigraft investigator. He further said: “I call on all Indonesians to pray for Novel Baswedan and accompany him in fighting against barbaric acts of terror committed by crooks who are displeased with ongoing corruption eradication efforts in Indonesia.” “I urge the police to immediately take action against and arrest the perpetrators of the acid attack against Novel Baswedan.
President Jokowi have instructed the National Police to solve and to catch the perpretators of Novel’s acid attacks. Even, President has been said that Novel’s acid attacks draw as “uncivilized actions” and the government including the state doesn’t lose with criminal’s group which behind in these case.
Must be Investigated
However, Novel Baswedan’s acid attacks had been drawn that the war on corruption in Indonesia with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as one of actors doesn’t finish and those case has been indicated the supporters of corruptor in Indonesia have been spreaded their terror’s to make scary situation for especially to KPK’s investigator who has a brave heart like Novel Baswedan.
The National Police has been receiving order to solve these problems from Indonesian President. Solving this problem might be a seriously challenge for Police apparatus in Indonesia. And, some of stakeholders have sure about the capability of Indonesia’s police to finish this case as soon as possible and all people in Indonesia will know who behind Novel’s acid attacks.
Finally, the investigation on Novel’s acid attacks will be shown how about the serious intention from our government implementing war on corruption in Indonesia including giving a firmly protection to “brave heart and consistent” investigator in KPK, the National Police’s or other stakeholders.
Essentially, war on corruption in Indonesia has been supported with all of people of Indonesia, because they’re realizing that the longterm impact of corruption will be made Indonesian youth generation facing a seriously and comprehensive problems. Because of that, the government intention to solve corruption threat at all level in Indonesia will be tested with Novel’s acid attacks.
Minimalizing corruption threat, Indonesia’s government must have done the regulation which could be erased circuumstances which could be triggered corruption chance and the capability of corruptor to realize their will through implementing maximal punishment to corruptor including death penalty for them. Hopefully.
*) Erlangga Pratama, has earned his master at the University of Indonesia (UI). Cersia’s researcher. Lives in East Jakarta.