Drugs and Online Gaming: The Real Threat

As a strategic and pivotal country in Asia Pacific region, the rise and the greatness of Indonesia will be considered as a threat by other countries, so that they, both state actors and non-state actors, might want to do anything to destroy Indonesia, not by using a deadly military attack, but a step by step destruction program through the socio cultural aspect by changing the mindset or way of life of the Indonesians. At the end, they aim to defeat the country by lowering the quality of its future generations.
One possible entrance to destroy the character and competitiveness of the young generation is through drugs and online games. We can easily find our children in their red and white uniform playing the online games in the internet cafes (warnet). That drugs is a threat is obvious. Although our government has already imposed death penalty for the convicts, this dirty business still develops in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is now not only a consumer country but also a producer. This is not an achievement to be proud of.
According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), UN body that deals with drugs threat, there are about 200 new drugs factories in Indonesia and the economic loss resulted from drugs abuse is around 2.2 trillion Rupiah per annum with 33 people die every day and 2,000 people lose their future because of drugs.
Furthermore, based on the press release of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the body has revealed around 102 drugs and money laundering (TPPU) cases throughout 2015. The cases involved both national and international network. 82 cases have been in P21 status. The revealed cases involved 202 convicts in which 28 are foreign citizens. From all cases, BNN has seized some evident such as 1.780.272,364 gram of crystal methamphetamine, 1.200 milliliter liquid methamphetamine, 1.100.141,57 gram marijuana, 26 marijuana seeds, 5,86 canna chocolate, 303,2 gram happy cookies,14,94 gram hashish, 606.132 ecstasies, and 32.253 milliliters precursor liquid as well as 14,8 gram. Meanwhile for TPPU cases, total assets being seized are amounting to Rp 85.109.308.337.
Moreover, BNN also found two new psychoactive substances (NPS) this year, they are CB – 13 and 4 – klorometkatinon. Thus, BNN has found 37 types of NPS in total up to the end of 2015. According to the data from the Directorate of Other General Crime (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Lainnya) of Indonesian Attorney General Office, up to mid December 2015, there were 55 drug convicts who were sentenced to death in Indonesia. 4 of them appealed, 14 requested courts of cassation, 9 requested judicial review, 4 requested for clemency, 10 have not decided anything, 10 judicial reviews have been rejected and the clemency has expired, 4 others requested for judicial review and clemency but also rejected. Therefore, there are 14 more convicts that will serve death sentence.
The number of foreigners who became the drugs convicts reached 28 people up to end of 2015. 12 are Nigerian, 8 are Chinese, and 2 are Taiwanese, and 1 from Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Australia, and the US respectively. Meanwhile, since 2009 to end of 2015, there have been 271 Indonesians involved in drugs cases abroad. 152 of them are likely being sentenced to death. This data was based on the reports from Indonesian representative abroad to the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Legal Entities Abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This number might be lower considering there are some countries that do not notify Indonesian representative regarding the arrest of Indonesian citizen abroad. In some cases, our representative will only know that there are Indonesians being detained when they visit the prisons or immigration detention house.
According to 2015 data, BNN together with government body for rehabilitation and the society have run rehabilitation program to 380.427 drug addicts, abusers, and drug abuse victim in all over Indonesia in which 10.593 were rehabilitated in BNN’s rehabilitation centers in Lido-Bogor, Baddoka-Makassar, Tanah Merah-Samarinda, and Batam-Kepri. This number was increasing compared to previous year which was only 1.123.
Looking at above data, “the war against drugs” must be followed by a special mapping of regional vulnerability in every area in Indonesia, especially for the areas that are surrounded by sea and provinces that are interconnected by land route. These areas are vulnerable to be used as the entrance of drug dealers. The Dealers can possibly also use “hidden routes” in the remote areas. All this time, the war against drugs has face some classical problems such as lack of security personnel, lack of facilities and infrastructures especially in border area, traditional port, and outer island that often become the entrances of drugs from neighboring countries such as Malaysia. Besides, the law enforcement to the drug dealers is still weak. The government must have strong political commitment and legal commitment such as imposing death penalty for the producer, seller, and dealer of drugs. The circulation of narcotics, drugs and addictive substances in the community has reached alarming levels because it has reached into the countryside, which is known for the culture that maintain the ethics and culture of the nation
Negative Impact of Online Games
Other than drugs, the online games played by school children and the young generation can also be “poisonous”. This activity can last for hours and make the children skipping their meals, their prayer and their study. Some even do not want to go to school. Various sources suggested that the children whose hobby is playing games will have a weak immune system due to lack of physical activity, sitting for too long, it is often too late to eat, often exposed to radiation from the computer screen and so on. Diseases often found in those who are addicted to play online games are including: heart attack, stroke, myopia, obesity, lung disease, a dislocated fingers, neurological disease, hemorrhoids and diseases around the spine.
Psychologically, many scenes in online games demonstrate crime and violence, such as fights, vandalism, rape, murder, and so forth, which indirectly affect a person’s subconscious that real life is like in such games. The characteristics of a person experiencing a mental disorder as a result of the influence of online games are: irritability, emotional, easily utter obscenities, cursing, stealing, and so on. The excessive time used for online gaming also can affect a person’s self-maturing process, it is marked by some characteristics such as: shy, insecure, lacking in confidence, spoiled and childish. Time wise, online games can affect a child’s learning achievement. Online game also teaches extravagance, dishonesty and difficulty of socializing with others.
This problem needs to be attention for parents, also needs to be responded accordingly by the government, particularly the Ministry of Human Development and Culture under Puan Maharani, Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the law enforcement body by creating national policy that limits online game business. Besides, there need to be a strict monitoring of the internet cafes that open until 24 hours. Playing online games not only destroy the study routines of the children, but also trigger other juvenile delinquencies. It is highly possible that the children, especially those psychologically unstable, apply what they see and experience in the games to the real life in the form of creating motorbike gang, fighting or brawling. Last but not least, online gaming is also one mode of “modern asymmetrical warfare” to destroy the young generation of Indonesia. Beware.
*) Toni Ervianto, alumni of University of Indonesia Graduate Program and a columnist in various mass media.