Several target of the G-20 Summit meetings

JI-Jakarta. The world is now facing the possibility of a crisis in global food security. World markets for food, fertilizer and fuel are thus extremely nervous. Of course, market forces could solve such a crisis, but only by driving food prices higher and forcing hundreds of millions of households into hunger and starvation.
Coordinated public actions at the global level can prevent this outcome. Such actions are difficult even in the best of times. In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February and the widespread dislocations to supplies of wheat, maize, vegetable oils, fertilizers and natural gas, such needed global public interventions will be extremely hard to design, agree on, and implement. But they must be attempted.
Fortunately, a unique opportunity to do exactly this is presented by Indonesia’s chairing the G-20 meeting in Bali in November. Two tracks would need to work hand in hand for the G20 Summit to succeed on food security: (1) the diplomatic and institutional coordination processes by which decisions are made; and (2) the substance of those decisions.
The first is working smoothly, with the Government of Indonesia actively taking the lead in placing food security at the top of the G20 agenda for the Summit Meeting. Because the needed policies and programs are still to be formulated, now is the time for progress in identifying the substantive topics and measures that might be considered and agreed by the G20 Summit members.
Until now, several countries had already confirmed the attendance of their heads of government: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Suriname, as well as the World Bank.
Several target of the G-20 Summit meetings
One of the main themes at the G20 Summit was promoting carbon neutrality and maximizing the use of renewable energy to combat climate change, as G20 member countries account for roughly 75 percent of global energy demand.
These are inauspicious times to be challenging the primacy of fighting inflation. Yet that is precisely what Indonesia, an emerging market icon that constantly frets about the strength and durability of capital flows, is contemplating. It doesn’t have to end in tears — if managed well. With consumer prices escalating around the world, it’s a brave nation that asks its central bank to do much more than contain the cost of living. Policy makers have been chastised for not acting sooner, and more forcefully, to rein in inflation.
The G20 countries has agreed on the importance of investment and funding support for clean energy. The participants of the Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting (ETMM) sent a strong signal to the market that they were taking steps to boost investment, an effort that is critical for improving various technologies and enhancing innovation.
Indonesia was working hard to protect the world from repercussions of conflicts, emphasizing the necessity of cooperation. Indonesia also emphasized the importance of the T20 Summit, which was convened with the goal of presenting suggestions to world leaders at the G20 summit in November. Indonesia was emphasized two points, how the G20 countries accepted and managed previous crises, and post-war security challenges that escalated global tensions.
The G20 events Indonesia’s three blue economy strategies and action plans, which include expansion of conservation areas with a target of 30 percent of the total area of Indonesian waters; management of marine debris; and sustainable management of marine, coastal, and small islands to protect coastal resources and small islands from damage caused by economic activities.
According to the information Editor received, a minor movement in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) highlighted this issue, and if Europe, the United States, Australia, and the Solomon Islands joined forces in supporting it, this could undoubtedly cause problems for the Indonesian government ahead of the G20 summit.