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By : Amanda Veronica Chantica *)
The government of Indonesia is planning to implement new scenario which is called as “new normal”. Several pundits have analysed that during Covid 19 threats curve does not go down but the curve is still high which is mean that we are undersiege Covid 19 attacks.
Previously, Jokowi’s administration has done large scale social restrictions or PSBB and it seems the center and the local government are not evaluate PSBB implementation but they will go to implement “new normal” at least in Jakarta, West Java, West Sumatera and Gorontalo.
That is called as paradox policy and strategy. PSBB or “new normal scenario” can not run well amids the low of public dicipline and they are not obey to government regulation. Basically, Covid 19 has shown the authentically of Indonesia’s citizen attitude. I think Jokowi’s administration must relaxation of PSBB and new normal scenario because the endurance of national economic under hardest pressure.
The government also worry if the worst scenario could happens if public economic tends to somber and it could create social riots and long term uncertainty. However, we must realize that the second wave of Covid 19 will come, and we must alert on seriously conditions.
We know until today Covid 19 sympthoms and indication tends to increase because we know it at least 405 cities and regencies in 34 provinces in Indonesia have been inflected Covid 19 attacks, so the abrogation of tighly policy to tackle those viruses with the relaxation of PSBB or new normal is too risky, because it can make Covid 19 fuddle won’t be ended.
The government must evaluate again related to “new normal scenario”, because we can not tackle if Covid 19 influx will come and it is “truly the nightmare”.
*) The writer is columnist.
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