National Awakening, Terror Threats and Pancasila

On May 20th every years, we are always celebrating the national awakening day. Those moments in 110 years ago had been straped us as the unity to fight against agressor. Those times was began as the start to collect and to use it for us to get our freedom on August 17th, 1945.
Nowadays, the spirit of national awakening day has a strong urgent to overcome the fragile of national spirit because we were shocked with the series of terror attacks to several churches in Surabaya and the Riau Police headquarters and previously the terror group had made riot at Brimob’s jail in Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java.
Besides that, recently we heard about mass brawl and mass attacks to Ahmadiyah’s followers in their village in East Lombok regency, NTB. Those attacks had indicated that social values violation abraupt still easy to happen among our society.
During political years, the spreading of hate speech, bigotry and black campaign on social media has made us worry about the future social integration among our society.
However bigotry, hate speech and other sentiment are the first step to be radical and terror action according to the theory of terror staircase.
Some pundits have analysted those phenomenon have been happening because we are not a consistent to implement Pancasila in daily life. We must sure that between Pancasila and whatever religions in Indonesia did not contrary.
Learning and taking an experience from those phenomenon, the Jokowi’s administration must be ordered Pancasila Ideology Education Agency (BPIP) to more aggresive and seriously to find and to fix the basic problems which can be broken Pancasila’s value.
Together with other state institutions, BPIP should have discussed about how the fast way and the perfect way to introduce and to maintain including to educate our people to be “truly Pancasila’s person” indeed all of the goverment policy and attitude must be based on Pancasila’s value. Meanwhile, socialization, communication and building Pancasila’s networking cadre at all of society levels must be done
*) TONI ERVIANTO, earned his master degree at the University of Indonesia (UI