Counting Jokowi’s Chance at the Next Presidential Elections

Eventhough the next presidential elections is enough far from today, because it is slated in 2019, but for many politicians and political parties, it is a time to wake-up and to intensify their political machines at all of level of society to collect and to build people trust to their political parties, because people trust is needed at general elections.
Indeed, some political supporters have anthutiasm and having spirit to promote their next leader especially on social media. 2019 change the president whaatsapp group and Prabowo’s volunteer whaatsapp group have delivered and circulated much information related to Prabowo as their next leader but in other sides on those two WA’s groups have flooded or inundationed negative information or anti-Jokowi spirit.
As we know together, from various survey results were conducted by various survey institution, we could learn that the political competition between Prabowo and Jokowi will be begun at the next presidential elections. For a while, Jokowi has more bigger chance to win than Prabowo.
Considering survey results, many of political parties have been declared their political support to the incumbent/Jokowi for his reelection. Nasdem party, Perindo party, the United Development Party/PPP, PSI and PDIP have been vowed their loyality to Jokowi. Meanwhile, PKS, Gerindra, Berkarya party, and Garuda party are predicted to support Prabowo, eventhough any possibilities if PKS will be announched their internal cadre to be president. At least, PKS has two best cadre such as Anis Matta and former West Java governor, Ahmad Heriyawan.
Meantime, Democrat party, PKB and PAN might have built “third political fulcrum”. At least, every political parties have best cadre whose could be promoted as president or vice president. The figure can be named such as Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Zulkifli Hasan and Muhaimin Iskandar.
If it does not happen unanticipated shock in the future, Jokowi’s chance to win the next political race is more bigger than orhers, because during Jokowi’s administration, Indonesia have taken much prestigious effort such as getting an investment grade, lucrative economic reform package, democracy index and press freedom index are raised and through an infrastructure project, Jokowi’s administration has opened an isolated and disadvantages regions around Indonesia etc.
Factually, Jokowi’s image is still more brighter than whoever were named and promoted as the next president. Hopefully.
*) Toni Ervianto, The writer had earned his master at strategic intelligence assessment program at the University of Indonesia (UI)