The United Nations Decolonialization Committee Chief : Benny Wenda’s Separatist Group Petition Just Only Propaganda

New York-USA, On Sept. 28nd, 2017 at the United Nations headquarters, Venezuelan Ambassador, Rafael Ramirez had been clarified to the media. “As the United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee Chief (C-24), me and committee secretariat did not accept formally or informally, a petition or whoever regarding to Papua which had been delivered by the Australian newspaper, Guardian,” Rafael Ramirez said in New York, United States of America.
Aswering press what Ambassador Rafael had been communicated or met with Benny Wenda, as As the United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee Chief, he didn’t meet with other parties which had never been connected with C-24 agenda. Ambassador Ramirez had been expressed his worried to individuals or organizations who had been manipulated his name for their propaganda.
Ramirez’s respond had been released after previously on Sept. 27nd, 2017, the Guardian at their article had been made news that Benny Wenda had given a petition which asking a referendum for Papua to As United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee.
Venezuelan Ambassador further explained that he would be respected to territorial integrity and soverignty all of C-24 members. Obviously explained by the United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee Chief, the mandate of the United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee Chief to 17 non-self governing territories and its the fact if Papua didn’t include in 17 territories.
“As Non Block Movement members, we would be upholded the main principle of non block movement to respect soverignty and territorial integrity members,” he said further and asserted that Venezuelan didn’t do whatever something which could be contradicted with Indonesia’s soverignty and territori integrity.
The United Nations Decolonialization Special Committee Chief had been shown that separatist groups and Benny Wenda has been continuing to deliver their hoax and lies to the public. These hoaxes and yapping activities has been done especially if high rank the United Nations would be attended to the strategic or general assembly meeting.
“Last year, Benny Wenda was claimed to send a Papua’s documment to the United Nations secretary general, but after its confirmed to the United Nations secretary general offices in New York, its just only a hoaxes and yapping,” Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations, Triansyah Djani.
*) Erlangga Pratama, had earned his master at the University of Indonesia (UI).