Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission

The establishment of the Special Committee (PANSUS) on The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by the members of the House of Representative has been likely provoked by the evaluation that The Corruption Eradication Commission organization has become the Super Organization which is working without any control and supervisor. Accordingly though it is still not clear what is the ending goal of the establishment of the Special Committee (PANSUS) on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) but it is hoped this Special Committee will help the Corruption Eradication Commission organization to perform better.
The establishment of the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission is initiated by a number of members of The House of Representatives approved by the Plenum Meeting of the House of Representatives.
Though Democratic Party, PKS and Gerindra Party are firmly rejecting the proposal on the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission but definitely all of the members of the Cabinet Coalition agree to support the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission organization.
However unluckily the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission organization is officially considered by the Corruption Eradication Commision organization as the effort to disturb the activity of KPK and to protect the members of the House of Representatives committed to the e-KTP organized corruption especially Setyo Novanto.
Definitely it is considered to weaken the image of President Jokowi because President Jokowi’s Government Program is to strongly increase the eradication of the corruption. But the realization of the establishment of the SpecalCommitteee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is going on.
The rejection to the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission by various mass organization is also significant. However various legal expert is of the opinion the establishment of the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission among the members of the House of Representatives is legally accepted.
After a certain period of working the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is convincing the internal situation of the Corruption Eradication Commission is in disarray leadership. The strong friction in the internal management of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has apparently excessively happened. This friction is not definitely rationally objective and it is potential to create the shadow Chairman and leadership within the internal management of the Corruption Eradication Commission (the Extra Commissioners of the Corruption Eradication Commission).
Accordingly the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is considered by all the Political Parties supporting the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission as the mean to correct and to supervise the activities of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). For this objectives the Corruption Eradication Commission should open for dialogue, correction, suggestion and supervision.
To find the facts that the Corruption Eradication Commission has been working as the Super Organization the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission to have worked hard and firmly searched the facts and the evidences of the existing improper actions of the Corruption Eradication Commission organization. The Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission has invited various important Consultants which are familiar to the activities of the Corruption Eradication Commission to support the idea and information.
The opposition campaign to reject the presence of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is continuously going on. However the establishment of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is legally accepted. At least the Plenum Meeting of the House of Representatives is supporting the presence of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission.
Definitely when the schedule meeting between the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission and the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission is made it is apparently rejected by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission and the unfriendly communication started.
The Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission Organization is considered to obstruct the legal process done by the Corruption Eradication Commission and it could be reported as criminal act to the Police. However the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission warned to call the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission by force if he is constantly rejecting to meet for consultation held by the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission..
However the Director of Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission Brig. Gen. of Police Aris Budiman who has apparently opposed the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission’s attitude to have come to the meeting conducted by the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission. The Director of Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission Brig. Gen. of Pol Aris Budiman has informed all facts concerning the internal situation of the Corruption Eradication Commission to the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission. The meeting held by the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission is likely considered by Brig. Gen.of Pol Aris Budiman as the moment he is waiting for informing the disarray management within the Corruption Eradication Commission organization.
Based on the various founded evidences and the information given by the Director of Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission Brig. Gen. of Pol Aris Budiman, the Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives and member of the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission Bambang Susatyo described in his report a big number of improper policies on the internal problem of the Corruption Eradication Commission organization to have happened and he concluded in general the disarray management within the internal Corruption Eradication Commission organization are as follows :
First, there is found the strong indication on the abuse of power to have been done by a certain senior Investigator excessively endangering the legality of the Corruption Eradication Commission as the credible and authorize legal Organization.
Second, there are definitely various groups of investigators which were conducting the investigation applying the out off normal procedure.
Third, the interrogation record demonstrated in the Court Session of Miryam was not the complete record. The original record had been cut becoming a number of parts and intentionally played so it is not the original record of the interrogation of Miryam.
It was not true that the Director of the Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission Brig. Gen.of Pol Aris Budiman to meet the members of the Commission III of the House of Representatives. It was apparently one Senior Interrogator came to the house of Miryam before the Court session and the Senior interrogator also came to a number of the members of the House of Representatives who are apparently becoming the Witness of the Court Session.
Fourth, it was apparently true in the internal of the Corruption Eradication Commission the conflict between a certain senior Investigator and his group against the other Investigators mainly who came from the Police to have happened
The fifth, there are many criminal cases to have been stopped of its court processing even yearly though those respective persons to have been accused as the defendants because of lack of evidence as it was said by Prof Romli in the last meeting with the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission. At least there are 26 persons who had been accused as the defendant by those certain group of the Investigator, but could not be processed because it has not enough advance evidence.
The problem is likely appearing surprisingly very recently because Henry Yosodiningrat the member of the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission from PDI-P faction personally said the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should be temporarily stopped for its operation and Fachri Hamzah Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives purposed the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to be dissolved. Though the statement of Henry Yosodiningrat to have been deleted as never being said, stated by the Secretary General of PDI-P Hasto but it could be likely concluded the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is apparently internally in disarray management situation.
According to the House Internal Procedure the Special Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission should report the result of its mission to the Plenum Meeting of the House of Representatives which will make its conclusion and recommendation to be conveyed to President Jokowi for his decision.
So far the policy of President Jokowi he will not intervene the legal process done by The House of Representatives and the Corruption Eradication Commission and Pres Jokowi wants the Corruption Eradication Commission to become stronger and the eradication of corruption is operationally increased.
But it is likely the problem of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) organization needs the political decision of President Jokowi since the disarray management of the Corruption Eradication Commission is not definitely the legal process.
The case of Novel Baswedan who was attacked using the chemical liquid of H2SO4 is likely affected by the internal conflict within the Corruption Eradication Commission.
Now Brig Gen of Pol Aris Budiman and Novel Baswedan are in open and serious conflict. Is the Senior Investigator who had been mentioned by Brig.Gen of Pol Aris Budiman apparently Novel Baswedan ? This question is now becoming the hot issue because Novel Baswedan was very angry to Brig Gen of Pol Aris Budiman who had informed the internal friction on the management of the Corrupton Eradication Commission organization to the Special Committee on Corruption Eradication Commission. The internal situation of the Corruption Eradication Commission is likely crucial.
*) Viadini Hendrijanto, The Political and Security Observer.