President Jokowi is Likely Wishing to Join The Presidential Election in 2019

President Jokowi  is  Likely  Wishing to Join The Presidential Election in 2019

The General Election and the Presidential Election of 2019 will be definitely held  almost  next two years but  surprisingly on September 4, 2017,  a  significant big  mass gathering attended by  more than 1000  participants  called The National  Meeting III  of  Projo Group was held at Sport Hall of Kelapa Gading, Jakarta to discuss the preparation of  the campaign action of the respective Presidential Election of  2017. This meeting was also apparently attended by President Jokowi  and  he  gave his speech on various matters.

Projo Group were apparently the group of volunteers who were supporting President Jokowi in his Presidential Campaign in the  Presidential Election in 2014 and this group was then called Pro-Jokowi Group or Projo Group and it is permanently existing.

In the National Meeting III held on September 4, 2017 Projo Group in unanimity decision  resolute  the expectation to  President  Jokowi  for assuming his second term  as the eight President of The Republic of Indonesia  (2019-2024).  Consequently President Jokowi has to join the Presidential Election in 2019.

President Jokowi did not make response to the resolution of the participants of The National Meeting III  of Projo Group but President Jokowi in his speech said that  unluckily  there are  many  people  to have not yet known the achievement of  the President Jokowi’s Cabinet and even they do not know that President Jokowi’s  Cabinet to have worked hard every day even during Saturday and Sunday to perform the people’s interest as formulated in the National Development Program.

Likely President Jokowi wants to say that the Indonesianpeople will also definitely want President Jokowi  to continue  with his second term as the President of The Republic of Indonesia (2019-2024)  if  the people know that President Jokowi  and his Cabinet  to have worked hard for the sake of the people’s interest.

Accordingly President Jokowi requested the members of Projo Group to help the Government to inform the society about the high  spirit of working  and  the achievement of President Jokowi’s Cabinet  within the  last three years entering the year of 2018 as the busy year preparing  the General and the Presidential Election in 2019.

President Jokowi clarified his statement firmly explaining the achievement of  various strategic infra structure development program which have been completed and  also those  strategic  infrastructure program  which are still in  processing  to start  or to be worked out  such as the toll road of Lampung-Aceh.

It is also especially told by President Jokowi the plan to build the rail-road  for train in South Sulawesi as definitely the new transportation system in South Sulawesi  to be actively started now. It has been also started to be build the harbor of Sorong in Papua, Central Halmaera and  Kualatanjung. This infrastructure on  sea  transportation is very important in the framework  to increase the welfare of the people living in the Eastern part of Indonesia.

The condition of  the border line is very essential to be perfected because along this border line, the border crossers in and out of the country should be controlled perfectly. Recently the government has started to build the significant important border area between Indonesia  with a number of neighbor countries and will be completed  all the strategic border lines  on all around Indonesia. Based on this idea all the Checkpoint along the border  between this country and other countries to have been started to be  perfected as a nice permanent cottages , it is no more like the chicken home.

President Jokowi also said that whatever crucial it is but the Government  to have been successful to implement the similar  price of oil and rice in all around  the country including Papua.

2018 is the political year

President Jokowi repeated in front of Projo Group gathering, the year of 2018 is  the political year, the important period towards the Presidential election in 2019.  President Jokowi said accordingly he had instructed all his ministers to work harder accomplishing all the necessary program which are in relation with the people’s needs.  With his instruction as if President Jokowi want to say that  when the country enters  the year of 2018  President Jokowi as the Presidential Candidate  to have strong capital to attract the people to elect him.

Though President Jokowi  has not  yet  declared his  willingness  to become  the Presidential Candidate in the Presidential  Election in 2019, however likely he was  happy with the resolution of Projo Group who wishes President Jokowi to assume his second term as the President of the Republic of Indonesia. President Jokowi considered Projo Group as the true friend and appreciate them as  the militant supporter and asked them to maintain their militancy.

However on the National Development Program, observer tend to analyze  President Jokowi in the last three years to have much focusing his mind on the  development of the strategic infra structure in the framework of the long range  national development program (5-10 years) such as the build up of the rail road for South Sulawesi and Sumatera highway from Lampung to Aceh.

Consequently according to various observers President Jokowi to have been lack of attention to the people’s urgent needs that should be solved by the short and medium range of the national development  program ( 1-5  years), such  as food, health and  homes.

Further observation concludes  likely this is the impact of the delete of  the  State Broad Guide Lines of the National Development Program (GBHN) in our national development.

President Jokowi told  Projo members that President Jokowi to have been stressing that the Ministers should work harder for the best result of the development agenda in line with the direct interest of the People and the political campaign  informing  the result of the strategic achievement of the National Development Program to the  society will  be done by Projo Group.

Projo Group of all around Indonesia who were resembling  in the Sport Hall  in  Kelapa Gading were happily shouting demonstrating their support to the speech of President Jokowi and their satisfaction that President Jokowi is definitely ready to accept the expectation of majority of the people to become the President of the Republic of Indonesia as his second term or the eight President of The Republic of Indonesia.

Definitely President Jokowi’s  statement to have been considered by various  observer that President Jokowi to have been apparently ready to become the Presidential Candidate in the Presidential Election in 2019  and to have been preparing and  starting to campaign for the Presidential Election of 2019. President Jokowi has clearly instructed the campaign action to be done since now to his supporters Projo Group.

Meanwhile  the  progress of the  National Development Program  are definitely compulsory to be informed  by the Government  to the public. Accordingly the various observer are criticizing that the Minister for Communication and Information to have not worked well. Likely the Ministry for Communication and Information to have been busy  only with the electronic and cyber communication problem and forgetting its function on the information service  for  public.

More cynical comment said  though President Jokowi to have not yet declared his decision to join the Presidential Election in 2019 and PDI-P as the supporter of President Jokowi to have not yet officially decided President Jokowi as the PDI-P Presidential Candidate but the National Meeting III of Projo Goup to have been apparently the early  Presidential Campaign for the Presidential Election of 2019.

One Gerindra politician said definitely President Jokowi can do whatever President   Jokowi wants, accordingly Gerindra does not mind if President Jokowi wants to become the  eight President of this country. Also one PKS senior politician reminds President Jokowi to accomplish his mission first and do not be busy with the coming Presidential Election problem. President  Jokowi is likely true nearing the year of 2018 the  political situation to become warmer.

*)  Lieutenant General TNI (Ret) Soedibyo, Political and Security Observer also former the chief of State Intelligence Coordination Agency (BAKIN).

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