Four Potential Ideological Threat Against Pancasila

The Reference of Analysis .
The Chairman of PPP ( M Romahurmuziy) on Friday August 25, 2017 in one occasion held in Jakarta said that Pancasila had been nationally agreed as the National Philosophy and concurrently it is also the Indonesian National Ideology. Based on this national philosophy which is concurrently also the national ideology the Indonesian nation is building up her life now. This is no bargain and definitely now it is not the time to be debating and looking for the pertinent national ideology to be applied in the country of Indonesia. Pancasila is the main pillar of the State of The Republic of Indonesia.
The National Constitution as the highest guidance of the people’s movement of this Country is formulated based on the philosophy of Pancasila. The Country of Indonesia consists of more than 3000 islands, but this archipelagic country is the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In the Country of Indonesia lived the Indonesian Citizens consists of various race, tribes and various groups of people with different characters but they live peacefully together based on communicative, cooperative and mutual respect among the Indonesian Citizen based on the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Consequently, Pancasila ideology, the National Constitution of 1945, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika are the four Pillars of The Country of Indonesia.
The Chairman of PPP, M Romahurmuzt is definitely true, now it is not the time to talk about the pertinent national ideology for the country of Indonesia. It had been definitely debated by the founding fathers of this country on June 1, 1945 and in unanimity it was agreed that as the national consensus the national philosophy of the country of Indonesia is Pancasila. This national consensus was constitutionally decided as legally valid since August 18, 1945 one day after the Freedom Country of Indonesia was proclaimed on August 17, 1945. The deliberation of Pancasila is clearly outlined in the Pre-ambule (Pre-words) of the Constitution of 1945, namely Believe in One Supreme God, The Civilized Humanity, The Indonesian Unitary Spirit, The People’s Need Based on the Wisdom decided by the People’s Representative Assembly and Social Justice for the whole Indonesia People.
In the recent history of Indonesia, officially June 1, every year is commemorated as the Birth Day and October 1, every year is commemorated as the Eternal and Mighty Day of Pancasila.
Ideological Clasification (TheCharacter)
Specifically Romahurmuzy warns the people of this country should be continuously in alert to the potential threat faced by national philosophy and concurrently also the national ideology of Pancasila. Four main principles to be applied in the classification of those ideology are the elements of theism, anti theism, humanism, individualism, radical, revolutionary, democracy and authoritarianism and the welfare concept.
Those four potential ideological threat of Pancasila are : @ the Neo-communism ideology which is considered as the extreme Leftist to be adopting the following characters: Marxism and Communism; A-theism; Authoritarian ruler; In human; Radical and revolutionary. @ the National Socialism ideology such as authoritarian; Radical and revolutionary; In human; Socialism based on the national fanaticism.@ the Neo- Liberalism Ideology such as Individualism; Capitalism and Monopoly; Colonialism; Imperialism. @ the Religious Extremism Ideology which is considered as the extreme Rightist such as Theocratic (the Caliphate Power); Transnational country; Authoritarian and revolutionary; In human; Radical and Sadism.
Pancasila philosophy as purely based on the Indonesian charracter to be definitely considered as the expression of the Indonesian culture and nationalism are theism (respecting the One Supreme God); Humanism (mutual respect and cooperation); Nationalism (patriotic); The wisdom of democracy and socialism in justice
The Political Objective.
Acording to Romahurmuzy the objective of Neo-Communism is to take over the political power of the country with radicalism and revolutionary action and implementing the Marxism-Communism as the continuation of the struggle of Communist Party of Indonesia.
Definitely Neo-Communism wants to change all the existing national system based on Marxism-Communism ideology. Tactically this Neo-Communist power will create horizontally conflicts (SARA conflicts) and vertically conflict (rebellion) as the revolutionary action.
The objective of the Democratic Socialist ideology is to control the political life of this country including to control the natural resources of this country and run the country economic life based on socialist system.
As the third ideological threat is the Neo-Liberalism which is actually the old liberalism and colonialism applied in modern life. This ideology is practically similar to the ideology of liberal democracy, which is highly respecting the individualism, liberalism and capitalism.
Meanwhile the fourth ideological threat is the Religious Extremism. The Objective of this Religious Extremism is to establish the theocratic government namely The Islamic State of Indonesia based on Islamic Syariah such as The Indonesian Islamic State (NII) led by Kartosuwiryo in West Jawa during the year of fifty or ISIS in Iraq and Syria now. This theocratic government is implementing the transnational country ( a number of countries to be under one Caliphate).
Those the Extreme Leftist and Extreme Rightist groups are radical and revolutionary mass organization. In term of the publication of the Government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2017 on Mass Organization it is definitely directed to prevent the development of the Extreme Leftist and the Extreme Rightist ideology. The publication of Perppu, namely the Government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) No 2 of 2017 has been made based on the Ideological Analysis. The conclusion is there is the urgent situation for the Government to publish the Perppu.
The government Regulation is definitely the urgent need because the Caliphate ideological and political concept has been apparently becoming the international movement which is potential to be developed in South East Asia. Accordingly the objective of the Government of Indonesia to publish the Government Regulation in lieu of law No 2 year 2017 on Mass Organization is to prevent the development of the concept of the Caliphate adopted by HTI.
Based on this analysis the legal demand of HTI to the Constitutional Court to cancel the Government regulation in lieu of law No 2 of 2017 to Replace Law No 17 of 2003 on Mass Organization could not be accepted and Rejected.
There is the urgent situation that is considered important for the Government of Indonesia to publish urgently the Government Regulation in lieu of law No 2 of 2017 on Mass Organization. HTI could be considered as a part of the effort to develop the Caliphate as the Extreme Rightist, accordingly the foundation of HTI should be cancelled.
This article is not intended to influence the going session of the Constitution Court on this matter but to make the additional reference to safe the very essential of the national interest, the upholding of Pancasila and definitely the Country of The Republic of Indonesia.
*) Lieutenant General TNI (Ret) Soedibyo, Political and Security Observer. Lives in Jakarta.