Rohingya’s Saga : Uncivilized Human Rights Violation

Rohingya’s saga is uncivilized human right violation in the contemporary era because most of victims are an innocent people such as toddler, an infant, women and oldest people. However, all of global attention has been directed to Myanmar’s responsibility to solve an ethnic cleansing through a peaceful way.
Rohingya existence had been started with Islam spreading in Bangladesh on 17th century by trader from Middle East. On 17th century, thousand Bangladesh’s muslim people had been arrested by Arakan’s army. Most of them had been forced to work at military, as a slaver and others had been forced to live in Arakan. Rohingya’s name itself is mean “Rohang people”, a name for Arakan’s muslim. According to. Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) has said that Rohingya’s people had been living in Myanmar as a long time ago. Their predecator were came from Arab, Moor, Pathan, Moghul, Bengali, and many of Indo-Mongoloid nations. Meanwhile, historician and local resident had been claimed that Rohingya is a natural Rakhine state people. On 1785, Arakan kingdom had been conquerred by Burmese military. Since then, neither clash or conflict were not happened between Rohingya’s muslim and Arakan’s local resident. A condition had been changed since England had been conquerred Arakan on 1825.
In the reason to defend Rohingya’s peole, since 3 years ago had been built Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) which lead by Ataullah Abu Ammar Jununi. In the video broadcasting on August 15th, 2017, Ataullah Abu Ammar Jununi had explained that ARSA had been built as a responds to government violation and Myanmar’s paramilitary to Rohingya muslim. “Our main goals are under ARSA, we will freedom our people from unhumanitic intimidation which done by all of Burmese regime simultaneously,” said Attaullah Abu Ammar Jununi.
Myanmar’s government efforts to tackle Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) rebellion had been regreted by most of party because its had been assumed followed by violation, sadistic and brutal action which done by Burmese military. According to formal data which had been approved by Myanmar’s government, military operations in Rakhine state had been causing more than 400 people dead in the last week. Quoting from Associated Press, Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s state councellor and peace nobel prize on her statemen had said a total death was raised by violation action in Rakhine state since Thursday(29/8/2017) 96 people were dead.
Difference with “Myanmar’s government voinces”, a local activist had said approxiamately 130 people were dead, including women and children and its had been massive slaughter actions which had been happened in Chut Pyin village, near in Rathedaung city, western Myanmar. Massive slaughter has reported by ABC on Friday (1/9/2017) with quoted two difference sources.
Recently, Rohingya Muslims have been forced to leave Myanmar and have been declared as stateless, however Myanmar’s neighboring countries have mostly refused to accept them as refugees. Bangladesh is already home to an estimated 400,000 Rohingya, a mainly Muslim stateless minority.
Various opinions, responds and react
Responding to human rights violence to Rohingya people in Rakhine state Myanmar have been responding to various observers. In response to the widespread persecution of Rohingya Muslim minority people in Rakhine state, Myanmar, the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) has called on the Indonesian government to initiate a conflict resolution process for Myanmar in ASEAN. “We hope Indonesia can be the initiator of a conflict resolution process among ASEAN countries to help the Rohingya people. ASEAN countries should not close their eyes to the rights violations against Rohingya Muslims,” ICMI secretary-general Mohammad Jafar Hafsah.
He is of the opinion that most countries have tended to ignore or been slow to respond to the killing and persecution of the Muslim minority people in Myanmar. Jafar expected that Indonesia, as the country with the world’s largest Muslim population, would take a decisive approach to help end the prolonged conflict.
“The state sponsored violence has caused many Rohingya people to suffer serious human rights violations, including torture, rape and the destruction of religious property,” explained him further.
Separately, Setara Institute coordinator, Hendardi had said Rohingya’s humanitarian crisis are ethically and politically to sue an international communities to do humanitarian interference. “ASEAN countries didn’t cover behind honour Myanmar’s souverignty rights on those tragedy which is called as “genocide threat”,” said Hendardi.
“Because genocide is one of an international crimes which is including International Criminal Court (ICC) absolute competention with an international yurisdiction. On behalf of humanity, Indonesian government has been as vanguard Rohingya’s crises” Hendardi explained further.
“Obviously human rights abuse which done by all of regime in Myanmar is an ethnic cleansing practices to muslim Rohingya communities. Those facts has been made ASEAN shameful because an ethnic cleansing is a brutal, uncivilizied, sadistic and against humankind morality. However, Rohingya’s saga is a sistematic, massive and structuralized human rights violation. Myanmar must be exiled from an international commuties,” said Erlangga Pratama, an international strategic issues observer at Strategic Assessment in Jakarta. “Perhaps, Myanmar had been doing that to Rohingya because Rakhine stae has many of natural resources such as gasoline and oil,” Erlangga Pratama explained further.
Meantime, amid all the international and domestic pressure building up around the recent outbreak of violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, Indonesia has launched what is arguably one of its most ambitious peace missions to date, fielding its top diplomat to meet with Myanmar’s top brass.
President Jokowi had ordered Indonesian Foreign Miniter, Retno Marsudi went to Myanmar to search and dialogue a peace way to solve Rohingya’s crisis. Reported previously, Retno Marsudi met with Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. On those occassion, Retno had explained and delivered Indonesian solution on Rohingya crisis such as to create stability and security in Rakhine state, maximal efforts to solve Rohingya’s crisis, non violence actions must be continued and protecting efforts to all of people in Rakhine state.
Now, we are waiting a peaceful recipe from Indonesian government will be seriously done by Myanmar’s government to solve humanitarian crisis in Rakhine state and finally all of Rohingya’s people didn’t stateless again. Hopefully.
*) Johanes Dharmana Oetoro Pamungkas, an international strategic issues observer.