North Korea Missile Disputes, Does It Threat to Global Security?

China has told the United States not to link trade to cooperation on resolving the North Korea nuclear issue. This came after US President Donald Trump last Saturday accused the Chinese of not doing anything to restrain Pyongyang even as they had benefited from trade with the US.
“We believe that the North Korea nuclear issue and China-US trade are two issues that are in two completely different domains,” Vice- Minister for Commerce Qian Keming told a press briefing Monday. They are not related and “should not be discussed together”, he said. China has repeatedly said the North Korean issue is between the US and South Korea on one side, and North Korea on the other.
Qian was also quoted as saying that China-US trade has been mutually beneficial, and both sides have gained a great deal from bilateral trade and investment cooperation.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry, in a statement sent to Reuters, said that the North Korean nuclear issue did not arise because of China and that everyone needed to work together to resolve it.
Pyongyang test-fired its second intercontinental ballistic missile in a month last Friday night, with some analysts saying the missile could reach as far as Chicago in the American heartland.
However, Chinese analysts say China would not agree to severing trade ties with North Korea and that Trump’s attempt to link Sino-US trade to the North Korean issue did not help matters.
The official Xinhua news agency said in a commentary Monday that China wants balanced trade with the US as well as lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.
“However, to realise these goals, Beijing needs a more cooperative partner in the White House, not one that piles blame on China for the United States’ failures.”US expert Shi Yinhong of Renmin University warned that China’s patience is not limitless.
Noting that it was a mistake for Trump to stake the broad and complicated Sino-US relationship on the intractable North Korean issue, he warned that the US could end up seriously damaging Sino-US ties.
Meanwhile, many observer tend to analysis that on North Korea missile disputes, China has been playing “to face diplomacy”. China has own interest to maintain stability of the region specially South China Sea region, because of that China has special relationship between Japan, South Korea and North Korea too.
However, basically China has a common ideology with North Korea government. There are a same communist ideology followers. Until the cold war began, the rivalry between capitalist ideology versus communist ideology to reach and to conquer each other always never stopped it.
Now, China has a highest capability to be USA giant challenge because with China economic worth, they can lead the global economic. Factually, trading trend between China and USA has been dominated by China’s product. Indirectly, its mean that China more superior than USA in trade global war.
Generally, many problems such as North Korea missile, US-Russia diplomatic ties disputes, Qatar-Arabs diplomatic tensions, global low oil price, European immigrants case are suitable be create the age of uncertainty. Major politic players such as USA, China, European, Japan and Russia have their own interest to safe their national interest firstly whatever the turbelency of the world must have happened trigerring those issues.
Besides US has un-happy feeling with North Korea, US under Trump’s administration has been created new problems with Russia. Russian President, Vladimir Putin has responded to the newest sanction US to Russia. Russia wants US revoke their diplomat in Moscow.
Does It Threat to Global Security?
However, the capability of North Korea to launch their newest ballistic missile such as Hwasong-14 which could reach as far as Chicago in the American heartland clearly it has been made global worry about that. Some rumors has been spreading, North Korea with their ballistic will trigger world war 3.
Being admit or not, North Korea’s ballistic missile has been threaten the safety of humankind and the continuity of global peaceful situation. Under Kim Jong Un un-predicted leadership, North Korea’s ballistic missile can use Jong Un ambition to challenge US and their allies.
Its logic if finally Trump was upset to North Korea and he has a will to strike North Korea with the single purpose, to topple Kim Jong Un from his throne. Before US strike North Korea, US has predict to build wide-range coalition specially with their routine colleagues such as Japan and South Korea.
If war between US and North Korea will happen, the global uncertainty situation is predicted happen. But, the tragic situation like this has opportunity to be cancelled because European, China, Middle East countries including South East Asia countries have been efforted to cancel world war 3 which can trigger by dispute of North Korea missile.
*) Wildan Nasution, Senior political and security researcher at Cersia, Jakarta.