Pro Contra That HTI Can Be A Politision’s Politic Amunition For 2019

After the government’s policy of issuing Perpu No 2 year 2017 about the dissolution of CSOs, still rolling pros and cons related to this policy and on the other side HTI keep doing consolidation, continue to spread khilafah in various activities in some areas, even HTI will sue Perpu No 2 2017 To the Constitutional Court on July 20, 2017. Not only that, HTI also “raise” Komnas HAM to reject Perpu No. 2 in 2017. In other words, HTI remains “ignorant” and do “resistance” for fear the existence of its organization will be crushed by Perpu No. 2 of 2017.
The resistance was packed in a major issue that was deliberately chlorinated by HTI and its supporters of the “anti-Islamic Jokowi regime”. The question is how dangerous is the issue for the survival of Jokowi’s government? Do government efforts to counter opinion and opinion canalization be effective? What political opportunities can be exploited as political ammunition by fake politicians and interest groups with this hectic issue?
Counter HTI
Groups that are counter or unhappy with HTI’s political maneuvers that continue to propagate khilafah to shift the ideology of Pancasila are also widespread in some areas. They support the government’s move to issue Perpu No. 2 of 2017. There is nothing to worry about the existence of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) because their concept is only limited to utopian ideas and delusions, whereas concrete steps have not existed so that the purpose of the revolution is impossible. Basically and essentially, the opinions and opinions of the HTI anti-existence groups are as follows: first, what HTI voiced that all the problems of the solution are only the Khilafah, is a mistake to think. Though the solution of the nation’s problems will not be easy by making the NKRI as a state of khilafah. It should be conveyed to this nation that Indonesia is based on Pancasila, and if it is now considered to be failing or falling apart not Pancasila is wrong, but implementation that is not in accordance with Pancasila itself.
Secondly, it does not agree and refuse if there is a state within the state, in the sense of state ideology outside of Pancasila, so if it wants to form a state with ideology outside Pancasila must come out of NKRI, because the state with ideology or Pancasila base is final.
Third, HTI must go through a political party by forming a political party with the condition that it should be based on Pancasila not based on ideology or khilafah ideology.
Fourth, the state must all state the Pancasila as the ideology of the nation. The existence of the ideology of the Khilafah that carried HTI mass organizations is clearly counter productive with the final ideology of the Indonesian nation. When viewed from the religious side of the ideology of the Khilafah clearly contain religious values that are not contrary to Islam, but will be contradictory if it is banged with the concept of state in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Ansor Lombok Utara, Muhammad Jalil in a press conference recently said that Ansor and NU firmly reject the existence of organizations / organizations HTI because anti Pancasila and develop the concept of khilafah. NU based on the results of the 1984 Congress has rounded out the basic principle of the state is Pancasila. Indonesia is not a secular state but not a religious state, but a country based on Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Meanwhile, from the HTI camp and its supporters always touted the opinion or glorified the issue that with the statement of HTI dissolution by Kemenkopolhukam, automatically the government has done limitation of freedom of thought, not only to HTI, but to other organizations as a reference action.
Not only that, HTI continues to consolidate through pengajian, science studies, halaqoh and others in some areas to continue to provide resistance to the government that has issued Perppu No. 2 in 2017. In Pekanbaru, Riau, one of HTI Riau officials in the event The study of sharia business said, currently many banks are labeled sharia, but its implementation still apply usury. This happens because of the system that regulates it, so it should be the country that is prescribed, in order to bring goodness to the people. Muslims must rise up, apply the Shari’a of Islam and the Khilafah.
In Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan HTI figures in a halaqoh said that the Indonesian state is now controlled by foreign and regulated capitalism regulated by the government and miserable the people. Muslims have to fight against foreign colonialism and Aseng by no longer lending usury, and cultivating natural resources without being dependent on foreigners and idols. Our country needs to be led by a khalifah who understands religion in a kaffah manner, by enforcing the rules of Islamic law, so that foreigners and idols no longer colonize Indonesia, so that the banner of Islam can waver again.
HTI activities also take place in West Koya, Papua with a core lecture rate, the state government is chaotic and unclear, the problems are wrapped around the country, ranging from law, poverty, crime, foreign control of natural resources, corruption, and moral decline. The only solution to the problem of this country is the application of Islam in the framework of khilafah kaffah. HTI is also still active in Banda Aceh City, Tegal City, Dompu-NTB, Raja Ampat-West Papua, and Bungo-Jambi.
Answer questions
Listening to some questions at the beginning of this article is how dangerous is the issue of “Jokowi anti-Muslim regime” for the continuity of Jokowi’s government? The answer is certain that it is very dangerous for the Jokowi government especially in 2018 is the political year, then at least the enemies of Jokowi have prepared various sensitive and strategic issues such as “Jokowi anti-Islam”, “Communism developed in the era of Jokowi” until the issue “swell foreign debt “.
Does the government’s efforts to counter opinion and opinion canalization be effective? Without being asked the answer is not effective, proven there is no “grand design counter narrative” prepared or prepared by the K / L line especially Kominfo community. Due to the lack of a grand design, the effective propaganda and communication strategy in both mass communication, social communication and political communication that disseminates or disseminates success messages regarding development outcomes during Jokowi’s reign is less effective and even overlapping.
Coupled with the situations and conditions of literacy implementation and the creation of less massive and sustainable opinion in mainstream media, regional media and even Medsos, making sensitive and strategic issues above trusted by the public and opening up momentum for political opponents Jokowi finds political munitions to discredit him.
What political opportunities can be exploited as political ammunition by fake politicians and interest groups with this hectic issue? Clearly the development of this problem will be exploited either by latent opponents or open opponents Jokowi and politicians who are eager to become president in 2019 to shift Jokowi.
The issue of HTI vs Perppu No. 2 of 2017 and the Election Bill with the presidential threshold of 0% only and rejecting the government’s suggestion for a 20% presidential threshold is clearly a strong indication that both issues become political and political vehicles for politicians or observers who This criticizes him for fulfilling his “dying or hurried” feeling to be president. What is your opinion?
*) Agung Wahyudin, The author is an alumnus of Untag, Jakarta. Living in Depok, West Java.