Rizieq Syihab and His Promises

The development of socio-political conditions on the determination of Habib Riziek Syihab as a suspect by the Polda Metro Jaya. The determination is reaping the pros and cons in the midst of society, including among scholars and leaders of community organizations (CSOs) on the issue.
- Misbahul Munir stated that the honor of Habib Rizieq Syihab is “Mubahalah” or “Mula’anah”, this is the way he did when the government or some other society accused him, even though the positive law has nothing to do but it is an important note for us as scholars to As a reflection material and also provide education so that people are not suudzon (prejudiced) against the ulama.
According to KH. DR. Nur Alam Bakhtir, in the perspective of Islam against bad man behavior according to Imam ar-Razi divided three: 1). Al-Fahsya (his sin between servant with Allah SWT, for example adultery, liquor), 2). Al-Munkar (between a servant with his fellow human beings, for example killing, stealing and molesting others), and 3). Al-Baghyu (between a servant with himself who gave birth to “Eve” so that it can harm many people for example the expression of Ahok who defamed Islam). While Habib Rizieq Syihab of the three things above do not fall into one of these categories. Therefore, as a cleric, do not be followed by public opinion by making Habib Rizieq Syihab cornered. Is this a legal case of pure or political element ?, Therefore I see the attitude of Habib Rizieq Syihab not return to Indonesia as “Dar’ul Mafasid Muqoddamun ‘alaa jalbil Mashalih” (Avoiding Damage is better than taking the benefit). The criminalization of the target is not to be tried but to be detained or eliminated. It could be that this diversion of opinion because many of the problems of this nation for example the emergence of communist understandings, ISIS, and others. I am optimistic that all the incorrectly engineered man then Allah will open the truth.
The support of Rizieq Syihab was also expressed by various religious leaders, among others: first, the determination of Habib Rizieq Syihab’s suspect status by Polda Metro Jaya is unclear; in fiqh terms there is “Mahkum Fiihi” (Action) and “Mahkum’Alaihi” (The perpetrator) , If there is an act and the perpetrator is a suspect then who sees or publishes must also be subject to legal offense too.
Secondly, Rizieq Syihab is a figure who can unite and collect millions of Muslims, as evidenced by the success of the Islamic Defense Movement 212. Therefore those parties who feel harmed by the presence and lunge of Habib Rizieq Syihab then will be made way how he became bad in In the midst of the ummah of Islam by way of a sheep race. The issue of Habib Rizieq Syihab until worldwide as the President of Turkey requested the United Nations and the King of Saudi Arabia provide shelter to Habib Rizieq Syihab.
Thirdly, the case of Habib Rizieq Syihab must be proven with strong facts or evidence if not then many will assume this is the politicization of the law. The current perception is that the determination of Habib Rizieq Syihab’s suspects is political.
Fourth, the determination of suspects Habib Rizieq Syihab very thick with political nuances. Because there is a very high fear of his existence that can unite the ummah of Islam.
While KH. Asif Munawwar believes Indonesia is a State of Law then I propose MUI to offer for reconciliation between government and Habib Rizieq Syihab camp.
Reconciliation or Revolution
In his official statement spreading in Medsos, Rizieq Syihab claimed to have thrown an ultimatum of struggle, although this ultimatum was not a surrender. Reconciliation is made on the condition of the criminalization of clergy and activists; Stop blasphemy against any religion; Stop the spread of communism, Leninism and Marxism and other heretical ideals; Stop injustice against the weak and powerless little people; There is no reconciliation without upholding the principle of deliberation and the principle of proportionality in all aspects and sectors and fields in the life of the nation and state. If these conditions can not be met, then there is no other word except revolution.
What needs to be explained here is that so far the government has not committed criminalization against clerics and activists, even if the government is considered to criminalize there is a legal mechanism to conduct pre-trial. Efforts made by the government solely is law enforcement with the principle of equality before the law or essentially all citizens equal position before the law.
The statements of criminalization against ulama are only a certain group of propaganda to keep the atmosphere warm, so the concentration of government becomes divided. So far, communication between the government and the clerics and other religious leaders has been harmonious and good. In fact, many of them are fully supportive of the steps taken by the government.
Meanwhile, the Indo Barometer survey institute released the results of the ‘Jokowi-JK Government’s Two-Half Year Public Evaluation Survey’. The survey results, the majority of the public (82%) state the state is moving in the right direction, at 5.2% of the public still believes it is moving in the wrong direction, and about 12.8% answered not knowing or not answering. The level of public satisfaction with the current performance of President Joko Widodo is 66.4%, 32% unsatisfied, and the uninformed / 1.6%. From the results of this survey is known level of public confidence in the ability of President Jokowi in leading Indonesia to a better future also fairly. Survey shows that level of confidence is at 69.2%. For the public who are not sure there are 27% and who do not know / do not answer as much as 3.7%.
Listening from the results of the survey above, then the possibility of a revolution in Indonesia is just a figment and political bluff solely. Moreover, the conditions for the revolution in Indonesia are not fulfilled at all.
*) Agung Wahyudin, The author is an observer of social and cultural issues. Living in Depok, West Java.