HTI Rescue Is Liquidation Of Ideology

The government finally took an attitude related to Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). Menkopolhukam, Wiranto through a press conference on May 08, 2017 announced the plan to dissolve the HTI Organs that have been known vociferously voiced the establishment of the Khilafah in Indonesia. The government considers HTI as an organization that is against the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The decision taken by the Government does not mean that the Government is against the Islamic Organization. But solely in order to care for and maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
In a press conference at the Office of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Wiranto asserted 5 points of reason for the dissolution of HTI, 1) As a legal body, HTI did not carry out a positive role to take part in the development process to achieve national goals. 2) HTI’s strongly indicated activities have been contradictory to the objectives, principles and characteristics based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as regulated in Law Number 17 Year 2013 on CSOs. 3) Actual activities have created a clash in the community, which can threaten the security and public order, and endanger the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). 4) Looking at the above considerations, as well as absorbing the aspirations of the people, the government needs to take legal steps explicitly to dissolve HTI. 5) This decision is taken not to mean anti government against Islamic mass organizations, but solely in order to maintain and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Government’s decision was clearly rejected by the HTI Central Executive Board. In HTI press conference at DPP HTI Jl. Soepomo Ruko Crown Palace on May 08, 2017, HTI Spokesperson, Ismail Yusanto, regretted the government’s attitude that plans to dissolve the organization. According to him, HTI is a legal organization with legal status and has carried out da’wah activities in this country 25 years in an orderly manner and never conflict with the law in Indonesia. Even DPP HTI asked the parties to mention HTI anti-Pancasila to prove its statement. DPP HTI believes in AR ART that HTI is not contrary to UU mass organizations.
Seeing from the football terjangnya, HizbutTahrir which in the definition of language means the Liberation Party, is one of the organizations that are openly active in propaganda enforcement of the Khilafah in Indonesia. Various activities of HTI preaching such as religious studies (halaqoh), socialization, and Tabligh Akbar illustrate the failure of the Pancasila democracy system, and provide a single solution to the enforcement of the Islamic Khilafah system in Indonesia. Even quoted from the official website of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, entitled “Important Principles of Da’wah Hizb ut-Tahrir”, HizbutTahrir establishes Methods and ways of carrying out the da’wah globally namely, the stage of coaching and cadre (marhalah at-tatsqif) and the stage of interacting with the ummah (marhalah tafa’ul ma’a al-ummah). But there is actually one more stage which became the main goal of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the development of da’wah namely the takeover stage of power (marhalah istilaam al-hukm).
HizbutTahrir’s aggressiveness playing Islamic political propaganda to achieve the goal of enforcing Daurah Islamiyah has been banned in some countries. Even in general HizbutTahrir is banned in Central Asian countries, which in fact is a predominantly Muslim country or laid Islam as the basis of the constitution.
There are at least 16 countries in the world that prohibit HTI activities among others, Jordan which is a country of origin embryo HizbutTahrir banned on March 22, 1953 on the grounds considered threatening the sovereignty of the State and until now still regarded as a forbidden organization. Egypt banned in 1974, after it was seen as involved in a coup attempt by a group of military members and the kidnapping of a former Egyptian attache. Syria prohibited in 1998, for reasons prohibited through an extra-judicial path. Pakistan banned around 1999 as a threat to the sovereignty of the State, Uzbekistan banned about 1998 because Hizb ut-Tahrir is suspected of being the mastermind of bombing in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Libya banned in the era of Moammar Gaddafi, because it is regarded as an organization that causes anxiety. Saudi Arabia banned in the era of King Abdul Azis, because it was considered a threat and continued to criticize the Saudi government system. In addition, European countries such as Germany banned the activities of HizbutTahrir in January 2003, because they are considered anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli propaganda. Russia banned in 1999, even in 2003 declared a terrorist organization. Kirgiztan banned in 2004 for being considered an extreme group. Tajikistan and Kazakhstan banned HizbutTahrir in 2005 for being involved in terrorist activities. China banned about 2006 and referred to it as a “terrorist”. Turkey banned on April 19, 2004, being considered a terrorist organization, making an open letter to the Turkish Military General to join Hizb ut-Tahrir to form the Khilafah. Bangladesh banned on October 22, 2009 for engaging militant activity and threatening peace. Malaysia banned on September 17, 2015 and even the Selangor State Fatwa Committee declared Hizbut a deviant group. And Indonesia will be the 17th country to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir, as it clearly contradicts Pancasila and the Constitution, threatening public order and endangering the integrity of the state.
The government’s firm stance in facing Anti-Pancasila mass organizations and intolerant mass organizations is a form of state assertiveness against any indication that could threaten the constitutional integrity of NKRI. Instead of being directed by the Government as anti-religious, neo-liberalism or even communist accused. The Government’s attitude to dissolve HTI is also supported by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Through the Chairman of the MUI Da’wah Commission, KH. Cholil Nafis in his statement said support for the Government. According to him, the ban on HTI does not mean hostile to Islam. But eradicate all possibilities that can knock out the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. But still in accordance with Law No. 17 of 2013 article 70 on Social Organization that the dissolution must go through the courts. Likewise, the Government must be firm to other organizations that have the potential to tear up the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
However, the firmness of the Government against Anti-Pancasila mass organizations and intolerant mass organizations, instead directed to mendrriditkan Government associated with the arrogance of the Government part of the regime neoliberalisme regime or communism to control the sovereignty of NKRI. In fact, decisive steps of the Government of Indonesia in dissolving and resisting the ideology of HTI or radically labeled organizations have been very precise and need to be supported by all parties by looking at the development of deterensi adjustment in the context of national security policy. The obligation of the State is always present and not negligent in ensuring the safety of citizens and national interests above the interests of a handful of groups or groups that impose the will of ideological ideology against the constitution of the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila.
*) Iqbal Fadillah, Social and Political Observer