The Value of Religion, Pancasila and the Plural Nation

We are born in a village and even a plural country with diverse professional religions and so on so we must be able to address the diversity well, because right now there are some indications that will divide the nation and state because there is a bigger difference so that it can grow friction which will lead to conflict. This diversity condition is a wealth that must be preserved and preserved.
History proves that the independence of the Indonesian nation can be realized because of the unity of the Indonesian People. For example Russia, in Russian history isUni Soviet, where they are divided into several countries. But as citizens or communities can unite, Russia is now one of the strongest countries.
We as citizens cannot forget history. The question is why we become citizens of Indonesia if we cannot make our country become advanced.
Learning outcome in maintaining the territory of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, with an area of 1.905 million KM², from the fact data of Nusantara 7.870 island and yet has the name of 9,638 islands we must guard and defend. The potential of the nation’s extraordinary wealth, which is dominated by an area of ocean and it, has 1,128 ethnic or ethnic groups, with different religions, languages and cultures. Indonesia is a pluralistic and pluralistic country with very positive and negative impacts.
It must be understood that we are in the nation and state there are various problems in ideology, religious issues, ethnicity / ethnic issues, economic issues, Government problems, internal and interreligious relations and religious relations with the state.
In facing the problem, there are solutions such as making Pancasila a meeting point or solution of Indonesian national problem; Love the country partly from the evidence of faith; Giving priority to the contents of the container; Caring for good traditions, taking better renewal and every human being has a thought to see and do for good.
On the one hand, the differences are seen and judged as the wealth of the nation in which the followers of different religions can appreciate or respect each other, learn from each other, draw each other and enrich and strengthen their religious values and faith.
Differences need not be contradicted, but viewed and used as comparators, drivers, even amplifiers and purifiers what they have. Different believers and believers should live together in harmony and peace always, be united, respect each other, help each other and love each other.
But in the history of religious life, it is often the case that religious and faith differences are used as triggers or reasons for disagreements and divisions. In many places, including in the Moluccas, there have been bloody and volatile conflicts that cost many lives and property, and destroyed the joints of life in various fields, in our environment. Religious elements serve as triggers and destructive targets in the conflict.
But in fact, in the behavior or actions of certain people, whether intentionally or not, religion is used as a trigger for conflict and division. There are even certain people who consider and make religion a basic reason for not living together or having to live apart, should not be reconciled or harmonious with people of different religions. There is even a suggestion to hostile and annihilate people of other faiths.
The fact that religious elements serve as the simultaneous trigger of conflict goals, both at local and national as well as international levels recently, is of course concerning and worrying for many people, especially for us Indonesians in general, who are pluralistic. Fraternity, kinship, harmony, peace and tranquility and togetherness, fellowship and cooperation will be threatened, disturbed.
In addition, the challenge of nationality internally is, still the weakness of religious values, regionalism fanaticism so high, lack of diversity development, the lack of exemplary attitudes of fellow behavior, not running law enforcement optimally. External challenge is the interference of foreign culture that is too high, the concept of capitalism far from the concept of democracy our country. For that reason, we as the next generation bear and we are required to take care and keep NKRI.
Speak of the implementation of Pancasila. All elements of the nation need to learn to NU that is very tolerant with pluralism. NU proclaimed a foothold in dealing with the many conflicts, referring to Imam Syafii, our opinion is wrong, wrong opinion may be right, therefore we must respect each other because at this time many of our brothers who have not reached the realm of understanding the diversity. We must be able to knit harmony in difference.The methodology of NU’s thinking in maintaining pluralism is tawassuth that is in the middle and moderate / avoid all forms of approach with tatharruf (extreme); Tawazun is a balanced attitude or harmony in gracious for the creation of harmony of relationships among humankind and between humans with Allah SWT; Taâdul (neutral or fair) and tolerant (tasāmuh) is a tolerant attitude that is appreciation of differences in views and diversity of cultural identity of the community. The methodology of NU’s thinking always keeps tatharruf (extreme) attitudes. This is the essence of identity to characterize the notion of NU with other Islamic sects. And it is from this principle of methodology of thought that NU builds faith, thought, attitude, behavior and movement.The principle that must be firmly done in faith, peace in life, tolerance among peoples (Tasamuh), care for help (Taawun), compassion (Marhamah) and anti-radicalism or violence.
*) Jelita Chantiqa, an observer of cultural issues and pluralism. Lived in Semarang, Central Java.