Communication and Cultural Art: Solution to Overcome Terrorism

Indonesia is a pluralistic nation. Recognized or not Indonesia’s famous nation has the largest population in the world has a diversity of different, ranging from religion, tribe, race, trust diverse. With its diversity, Indonesia has always been a reference for various parties, especially other countries to study the dynamics of relations among religious believers. Harmony between religious adherents in Indonesia is one reference for scientists or experts. Unfortunately with the potential that there can cause problems if not managed properly.
Cannot be denied, one of the biggest problems related to the pluralism of the Indonesian Nation is in terms of religious life. Many incidents of violence have an intolerance background among religious followers. Yet the long history of religious life in Indonesia colored with stories how harmonious relationship between religious believers.
The story of the Islamic group that accommodates the demand of the nationalists, who demanded the abolition of seven words in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is part of the Jakarta Charter, is evidence of tolerance among religious people.
The same can be found in some areas that still maintain relationships between religious communities into relationships that give each other positive impacts. Admittedly, to maintain the density in Indonesia, with its motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which has a different meaning but still one, is not an easy matter. The social environment in Indonesia shows that our society is very accustomed to living in different tribes, religions (including religious sects), traditions (the freedom of interpretation and cultural expression), even the way of thinking (in its encounter with the latest ideas coming from “Outside”). Despite the dynamics that political waves can sometimes threaten.
Efforts to Destroy Unity, Spread Terror
The emergence of radicalism movement, the flow of “deviate” due to lack of maximum socialization, guidance to the religious community so vulnerable to the entry of new understandings. Next is the inter-religious communication. Forms of communication between religious people such as mutual respect for the activities of worship, forming forums of dialogue between religious leaders, not discriminatory and also avoid jokes in social media that smells SARA.
And it turns out, during the electoral election 2017 or subsequently a lot of propaganda, incitement or destructive efforts to unity by spreading the spirit of intolerance, agree radical attitude even spread terror.
The phenomenon is clearly visible in the election event that finally presents duel “el-Clasico” which was won by Anies-Sandi for his rival Ahok-Djarot. Ahead of the duel, many are scattered especially in the realm of Medsos various issues concerning religious identity, primordialism, race, and other issues.
The dominance of these issues, although only related to Jakarta governor election, but in its development may extend to some other areas, quite apprehensive, because the “issue makers” are very shrewd in tearing national unity, even the excesses of many who question our diversity as a nation , Which is so easily triggered by the SARA issues. Nevertheless, that is our challenge as a nation to continue to strengthen the identity of pluralism and diversity within the scope of the Republic of Indonesia.
Not only that, some interest groups also berkelindan take advantage of the thrill of the situation and conditions to meet the elections DKI Jakarta which must be completed in two rounds as a place to introduce the ideology even the system that is considered the group can be a soluation on the problems of Indonesia. This group of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) always “mendompleng” any ripples of democracy in Indonesia and Jakarta by promoting or promoting the system of khilafah, although honestly HTI people must admit that they do not believe in democracy, but they use the gaps of democracy to Introducing the Khilafah system. Perhaps it is interesting if there are academics who make a research about how big the level of Golput HTI community in every democracy celebration in Indonesia.
In fact, if we reverse the history of the world, not a few obtained a record of the destruction of unity and nationality of a country caused by each harmonious relationship or interaction between different religious adherents. By studying the history of religious people in Indonesia received input to think historically and make historical facts as an ingredient in maintaining and fostering unity.
Maintaining a sense of nationalism will not weaken the bond or solidarity of the group in this case the religious group. The sense of nationality eliminates the sense of foreignness and hostility between groups. With the elimination of this attitude, it makes it easier for religious people to realize and maintain harmony. The tolerant culture among the ummah can not come by itself. Tolerance can be realized if it begins with dialogical steps.
The role of dialogis can be realized in the form of internal egalitarian communication among religious people. Harmony and peace begins from fellow believers, because in one religion certainly comes a different understanding-pemahan. Communication is interwoven is the recognition of keberbedaan in running the religious shari’a. However, the communication that creates the similarity of meaning where the feed back gives the opportunity of its followers to live side by side in carrying out its teachings. Often the problem, internal friction between followers of religion due to the difference of syari ordinances in worship, but the goal is the same.
In addition to communication between elements of the nation that need to be improved, it turns out to minimize the threat of terror can also be suppressed through the art path. This is because art is the ideal, taste and intention that can build the life of mankind. Meanwhile terrorism and radicalism aim to turn tolerance into intolerance that leads to the killing or destruction of humanity. The involvement of the arts and culture community in counterterrorism and radicalism becomes an opportunity that needs to be considered as one solution, since both are different and contradictory. Terrorism and radicalism kill while the cultural arts revive through local wisdom and culture that has a noble value and useful to advance the dignity of humanity.
The art of culture requires a blend of energy from several individuals to realize a work of art such as singing along with music games, art games and so forth. Terrorism and radicalism also require the energy of a group of people to commit terrorist acts. With the involvement of art and culture community in counterterrorism, it will be able to direct humans to direct their energies to the good and beautiful things that are practiced through the arts and cultural activities The art of culture is the result of the best thoughts and deeds of man.
Cultural arts have noble values and respect and uphold the dignity of humanity. Therefore the art and culture aspect is an appropriate alternative to be studied and applied to reach the elements influenced by radicalism. Plus the story of a criminal who changed to leave evil because of the touch of art and culture.
*) Jelita Chantiqa, an observer of social and cultural issues. Living in Semarang, Central Java.