Mayday 2017: Labor Existence Be Referenced Through Non Anarkis Action

Mayday 2017: Labor Existence Be Referenced Through Non Anarkis Action

Every May 1st is commemorated as an international labor day or known as Mayday, and is also designated as a national holiday since the reign of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. In the execution of Mayday every year, can not be separated from the struggle to realize or fulfill the workers’ normative rights. For the year 2017, Mayday warning will still be colored by demonstrations in several cities with demands, among others: demanding the Government to revoke and cancel PP No.78 Year 2015 on Wages and reject the Revision of Law No.13 Year 2003 on Labor and Employment Political demands such as urging the government, especially the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Indonesia, immediately arrested the mastermind of the case of E-KTP Corruption and urged that the government arrest and imprison Ahok penista religion father cheap wages.

Warming up demonstrations commemorating Mayday 2017 have also been implemented elements of workers especially incorporated in the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) in several cities, among others, the Post Interching, Industrial Area MM 2100, Ganda Mekar Village, West Cikarang District, Bekasi regency of 20 people (12 April 2017); Bapor LEM F SP LEM SPSI and FSPMI as many as 300 people depart from Cakung, East Jakarta to the State Palace, Supreme Court and KPK (12 April 2017), DPW Brotherhood of Indonesian Muslim Workers of West Java as many as 150 people rally in the Office of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, South Jakarta refused Revision of Act No.13 Th 2013 and criticize the issue of BPJS (April 13, 2017), as many as 100 people from the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI) rallied in front of the Japanese Embassy Office (13 April 2017), another demonstration by the Indonesian Trade Union Movement GSBI) at the Embassy of Japan, Jakarta (20 April 2017) and others.

Elements of workers also held a press conference in the framework of Mayday pre-done KSPI through Said Iqbal who assessed the Jokowi government which he said was pro to the small people, the fact that the policies taken are not on the side of small people including workers. There are three jokowi policies that are not pro against the workers, among others, stipulate Government Regulation No. 78/2015 which limits wage increases; Issuing an apprenticeship under the guise of education, in which the employed are only given an allowance; Establish Government Regulation no 45/2015 namely the nominal contribution and the amount of pension benefit benefits are very small.

“Therefore on international labor day or often called May Day commemorated every May 1st. In 2017, May Day half a million workers who are members of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) will take to the streets. In Jakarta, in addition to the action and oration, also held performances of the people and workers. Such as marching band, poetry reading, theatrical labor, songs of struggle, etc. This action will be conducted jointly between KSPI and KPBI. This action mirrors the concern and seriousness of Indonesian workers in advocating for better change. In addition to Jakarta, simultaneous labor will be held in various provinces such as Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau Islands, Lampung, Banten, West Java, East Java, Gorontalo, South Kalimantan, and so forth, “added graduate University of Indonesia graduate labor organization on The 2014 presidential election supports Prabowo Subianto, adding that the major theme that KSPI and Indonesian workers will take in May Day action this year is HOSJATUM (Clear Outsourcing Social Security Rejects Cheap Wages).

HOS stands for Clear Outsourcing and apprenticeship. The system of outsourced work, especially now coupled with apprenticeship, is in reality a practice of modern slavery that does not provide certainty of work and future for the workers. Therefore, such exploitative working systems should be eliminated.

JA is Social Security. Related to social security, KSPI and Indonesian workers demand free health insurance for all people. In other words, health insurance is financed by the state through the state budget. Iqbal further asserted, this social security struggle is the dedication of labor to the people. Labor pension insurance and civil servants should be equated. Thus, the retirement benefits earned by workers are at least 60% of the last wage. Do not discriminate against workers. Equally pension guarantee, why workers and civil servants are distinguished? After all, both are citizens of Indonesia. TUM is Reject Cheap Wage. In this case the workers demanded to withdraw PP 78 Year 2015 and give a decent wage.

Don’t Do Anarchist Action and Reject Subjects of Interest Groups             

In general, demonstrations by labor groups on the moon April to May 2017 is on the rise, with key protesters still dominated by labor groups of employees from several companies supported by several labor-based NGO groups, criticizing a number of labor issues such as decent wage (MSE setting / Minimum Wage City) in Each region, Outsourcing issues, workers protection, freedom of association and social security issues for workers are highlighted by the Indonesian labor force groups and are continuously appointed to put political pressure on the government.

For May Day 2017, the labor groups have stated that they will raise a number of issues namely to demand the Government to revoke and cancel PP No.78 Year 2015 on Wages; Reject Revision of Law No.13 / Year 2003 on Employment; Urged the Government, especially the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) RI, immediately arrested the mastermind of the E-KTP Corruption Case and investigate the alleged case of E-KTP; Apply sectoral minimum wage and wage increases 15% – 20%; Demands minimum wage 2017 up Rp. 650.000, – and demand the government arrest and imprison Ahok penista religion father cheap wage.

It is crucial that the workers demand the Government to revoke and cancel PP no. 78 of the year 2015 concerning remuneration for: regards the PPs as a result of the Economic Volume IV package issued by the Government. With PP 78 Year 2015, wage increases can be predicted every year based on economic growth and inflation as a formula for fixing wages every year. The labor group considered that the regulation was not in favor of the interests of the workers, but rather for the interests of employers. While the workers’ element rejected the revision of Law Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower, because according to the laborers to set wages set based on Decent Living Needs (KHL). Ways to determine wage increases based on KHL, are based on surveys by wage councils in each province and each city. That is, through PP 78/2015 wage increases have been pegged based on inflation and economic growth, so the survey is no longer needed. (KHL filed by the Labor Group was not approved by Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama).

Labor urges the Government especially KPK to investigate E-KTP corruption due to corruption of E-KTP worth Rp. 6 trillion allegedly involving famous names that make state money “corrupted thieves” result in workers can not get the optimal level of welfare (public policy). It also fosters employers’ practices that give tribute to officials to question their objectives, so that the impact is the cost or cost of production increasingly expensive so that it will clearly affect the welfare of the workers themselves.

In addition, May Day momentum this year coincides with the agenda of the trial of religious defamation case by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama / Ahok, where the labor group also considers that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja as the Governor who provides low wages to the workers so that the activities and cases carried out by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama is in the spotlight, although not all labor groups hate Ahok. In general, the labor groups that “hate Ahok” are KSPI, FSPMI, GSBI, Indonesian Aspect and the Jakarta Workers’ Coalition, outside of the labor elements it is presumed they remain neutral or even judge that Ahok’s case has been politicized to impress them in favor of Ahok.

Many people hope that Mayday 2017 will not be used by workers to hold demonstration activities (contrary to the rules) especially mass mobilization in large numbers that can create instability situation in Jakarta Capital (congestion, commotion between the workers themselves and with disturbed society) , Including other acts that disrupt the wheels of the economy such as sweeping action by the workers. This needs to be warned that the action of workers is not covered by various interest groups, including groups who are currently busy and seriously fight for the “caliphary system” in Indonesia to replace Pancasila, because it is recognized or not there are some workers elite who judge the system is not wrong khilafah.

*) Toas H, an observer of labor issues. Living in Jakarta.

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