Jokowi’s Challange Protecting Pancasila from The Intervention of Leftish and Rightish in Indonesia

Many years have past almost seventy years later, recently President Jokowi was complaining that the democracy in Indonesia had been excessively implemented. President Jokowi said the utilization of religion in the political rivalry is the example of the excessive implementation of the democracy. Accordingly President Jokowi had called the Religion should be separated from the Politics.
The people have been quietly rejecting President Jokowi statement, but one religion leader the Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ullema (Chairman of MUI) who is close to President Jokowi was trying to support President Jokowi, saying President Jokowi is actually reminding the Indonesian to the danger of the rightist radicalism that is now potentially emerge.
President Jokowi is definitely true but unfortunately politically it is unlikely accepted by the majority of the people when Ahok to be protected by the Government because Ahok is considered to be threatened by the rightist. This reason was rejected by many people because the problem of Ahok is purely political game that discrediting the religion. The people were angry because Ahok who knows nothing about the Verse of Al Maidah Article 51 to have been discrediting The Verse of Al Maida Article 51 in his political effort to influence the people of the island of “Seribu” to elect him in the first round of Regional Election on February 17, 2017.
Obsever think President Jokowi is true because Ir Soekarno and Drs Moh Hatta had done similarly almost seventy years ago. But however the Government policy protecting Ahok to be considered by many peoples as definitely wrong because Ahok is considered by many as the cunning and tricky politician who is trying to manipulate the religion.
Responding to President Jokowi remark analyst tend to consider the mistakes has definitely taken place in the implementation of the Political Reform started in 1998 when whatever changing is free to be done included in term of the national philosophy. Not any political authority to protect Pancasila even the so-called the Reformist accused someone who is protecting Pancasila is atualy protecting General Soeharto political interest. It has been worse people also could not expect TNI as the country struggle power to do something to protect Pancasila because TNI is no more political power, TNI is just defense power even TNI is not security power. TNI has no any political right even for protecting Pancasila. Dual Function should not likely to be revived but the function of TNI as the country struggle power mainly to protect the National Philosophy of Pancasila should be politically re-emerged..
Definitely the situation of to day to have given chance to the rightist and to the leftist to infiltrate into the Pancasila trying to turn Pancasila leaning both to the rightist and also to the leftist. It was definitely very surprised. The speech of Megawati in the anniversary of PDI-P has been protested and someone was going to report Megawati to the Police because Megawati to have been considered insulting the religion. The way of Megawati socializing Pancasila with discrediting something she called as the close ideology sounded clearly as the leftist political campaign.
Observer tend to predict Megawati unconsciously has been likely influenced by the memory of the past when she was the member of a Political Party applying Marhaenism ideology as the Marxism applied in line with the Indonesian condition or the document that was read by Megawati to be made by someone who is leaning to the leftist.
According to former State Intelligence Coordination Agency (BAKIN-red) chief, Lieutenant General (Ret) Soedibyo, now political freedom is clearly vulnerable for the potential disintegration or break downing of this country. We certainly hope our National Philosophy of Pancasila are strong enough to unite the People and the Country of Indonesia as a Nation living together in one Unite Country of Indonesia.
It is now definitely important the socialization of Pancasila to be done as it was done in the New Order era. Pancasila should not turn to the rightist ideology but Pancasila also should not definitely be turned as the leftist ideology.
The leaders of the People’s Consultative Assembly have started to socialize the so-called Four Pillars of Our Country in various forum, it is definitely hoped it is not just the agenda of the activity of the Leaders of the People’s Consultative Assembly but it should push to become the National Agenda, compulsorily done by all the Citizens and organizations.
How should that kind of the National Agenda be done that is the question that all the High State Institutions ( mainly The People’s Consultative Assembly, The House of the Representatives, the Council of Senators and The President) to answer it.
Last but not least, recently across provinces in Indonesia, we were heard about the intention of all of people to insist the center of government to abandon the leftish or the rightish groups in Indonesia such as the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) supporters and symphatizers across Indonesia with several of cover operation and cover job, and the rightish groups such as the Islam Defender Front (FPI) and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia which one of organization know by the people of Indonesia as a transnational organization because these groups genuinely comes from Middle East and all of the government in Middle East had been rejected and abandoned those organizations.
So, finally all of people of Indonesia just waiting the firmly and the seriously even the brave of their government to fulfill their demand. Hopefully.
*) Bayu Kusuma, a Cersia’s researcher. Lives in Jakarta.