Transnational Ideology Versus Pancasila Ideology in Life of Nation and State

The historical record of the Indonesian nation to carve a bloody tragic conflict events occur between the members of the nation, because the doctrine of provocation ignited transnational ideology which is actually contrary to Pancasila. History records that include the 1999 conflict in Ambon SARA nuanced horizontal and extends throughout the Moluccas. Then, in 2000 nuances SARA horizontal conflict in Poso, Central Sulawesi, where Poso case ended with the Malino meeting initiated by the Government. Long before then, various groups of anti-Pancasila in 2010 events Jantho Aceh military training. Participants arrested many Indonesian officials, most of whom subsequently “educated” at the Correctional Institution Kedungpane Semarang.
Speaking of transnational ideology must be careful because if not then Islam is also referred to as a transnational ideology deemed damaging to countries that are not majority Muslim population. It must be recognized that transnational political movement has made a place to play ball Homeland foreign parties that generate interfaith internal conflict and separatism in Indonesia Islamic political movements of this kind has reduced the credibility of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia in maintaining sovereignty and the protection of people.
Transnational versus Pancasila ideology in the life of the nation was appointed to clarify the view that the State should be able to accommodate the diversity contained in the life of a State. Transnational ideology deifying a sword that would rip the deal long in knitting. So ideology is right for the Indonesian nation from the past, present, future and so is Pancasila.
In language understanding is a principle bow ideology or worldview. so to speak, that is an ideology that will be used as a way of life in a State should be able to accommodate the diversity contained in the life of a State. Then the transnational ideology is a way of life today is identified with the religious teachings of Islam oriental bring teachings – the new school and is only Islam that is considered as the only transnational ideology. Transnational ideology refers to the global ideological movement that crosses the boundaries between countries and nations. Ideology is not just a campaign of propaganda or belief but also a political movement to influence a political policy of a country.
The question is whether the ideology of transnational contains prinsif and values to accommodate diversity in this nation, should be made as an ideology that would replace Pancasila namely peace, faith, devotion, justice, equality, harmony, civility agreement, wisdom, prosperity, unity and integrity and contains the concept of religiosity that is a basic concept that contains ideas and basic values of the human relationship with an absolute reality, whatever they are called. As a result there was a view of the existence of human beings, and human attitudes and behavior in relation to the Almighty. Human interdependence is seated in accordance with the status and dignity in the fairness and civility as the creation of the Righteous.
The Beauty Pancasila
Pancasila is the ideology of the right to organize the life of the nation. Therefore, it should not hesitate or never weaken Pancasila. Pancasila is a powerful weapon to ward of the various forms of radicalism. By Karen the basic values of Pancasila can fortify from influences that could impact on national instability.
Reinforcement of the Pancasila ideology is very necessary to provide new energy in order to maintain the State of RI and growing steadily become part of the Indonesian nation.
Meanwhile, transnational ideology is considered to damage the country especially predominantly Muslim. Transnational political movement has made a place to play ball Homeland foreign parties that generate interfaith internal conflict and separatism in Indonesia Islamic political movements of this kind has reduced the credibility of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia in maintaining sovereignty and the protection of the people.
It is needed to give firmness to every citizen who is proud of this nation, so it does not get stuck into the apostate citizens and country. This is important because the life of the nation is an agreement of human life in the region, hoping to secure the welfare, prosperity, security, freedom and protection for every individual. Pancasila is able to accommodate the diversity contained in the life of the nation-state of Indonesia.
First principle of Pancasila, Belief in God Almighty, containing the basic concepts contained in all religions and a belief hugged or embraced by the people of Indonesia, is the common denominator of various religions, so it can be acceptable to all religions and the assurance. Likewise the second principle, the civilized and fair humanity is a respect for human rights.
Humans are seated in accordance with the dignity and status, not only equal, but also fair and civilized. Pancasila uphold the sovereignty of the people, but the implementation is carried out with jointed on the inner wisdom consultative or representative. Average life of the nation is to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people, not for the welfare of the individual or group.
Therefore, people who spirited Pancasilaist, obviously will have nationalism means love and loyalty to the nation and the Homeland is the final result of a long process that is of resistance and liberation against colonialism miserable and the unanimous agreement of the founders of the nation who come to fruition as the nation state is not a state religion. It appears that a very precise Pancasila as the pillars of a pluralistic nation-state, because in substance Pancasila does not conflict with Islamic teachings even consistent with it. Pancasila as the state can be equated with the Charter of Medina that was made by the Prophet Muhammad when building the country after he migrated to Madinah. Therefore, with Pancasila Indonesia means not atheist country (without religion), the state secular, state theocracy (governed by the rules of a particular religion) and of the monarchy (royal), so obviously Pancasila is the best solution for the nation plural Indonesia and the Muslim majority.
Pancasila upholds the sovereignty of the people, where the implementation is carried out with jointed on the inner wisdom consultative or representative. Average life of the nation is to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people, not for the welfare of the individual or group. It appears that a very precise Pancasila as the pillars of a pluralistic nation-state.
Love and loyalty to the nation and the Homeland is the final result of a long process of colonialism miserable and have become the unanimous agreement of the founders of this nation.
*) Arif Rahman, a national observer at the Institute of Political and Security Strategic Information Studies Indonesia (LSISI) Jakarta.