Wary of the Revival of the Communist
![Wary of the Revival of the Communist Wary of the Revival of the Communist](https://jurnalintelijen.net/wp-content/uploads/ktz/PKI-33anua71egbceyzwqo4e16.jpg)
The Communist movement today depends on the situation, which in certain situations will arise and PKI is currently not ever count out but they stated that their goals have not been achieved.
It should be recognized early signs of revival communists in Indonesia in various circles is that there are rumors that many current PKI cadres who have entered the parliament should be watched and their goal this time will erase MPRS decree No. 13 1966. Recognized or not recognized that this phenomenon has become a reality after the reform era of excessive has removed their “Litsus” which is very powerful in the New Order era communism nursery ward.
To turn the understanding, PKI is currently performing such propaganda through Silent film screenings, the appearance of the picture “and the symbol of PKI in school textbooks, and the publication of a history book for a beginner left in October 2015. In fact, the rise of communism in Indonesia also suspected as one of the “proxy war” to undermine Indonesian evidence Silent films and others are talking about communism won the film festival at the international level. These symptoms must be observed jointly by Indonesian youth.
However, the communist ideology is a kufr law, and forbidden for Muslims embraced them and for adherents with confidence and awareness of the disbelievers and no legitimate marry and marry Muslims, there is no inheritance corpse and it is unlawful for the corpse to be prayed in Islam.
Associated with communism which incidentally does not recognize the existence of God, all kind of ways to get a win or even supporting the separatist terrorist acts are the ways of communism so easily accepted by various groups of people, especially those who are secular-minded, liberal and religion understanding are very minimal. Therefore obvious reasons Islam reject communism because it is different from the teachings of Islam which rahmatanlilalamiin.
Therefore, the threat of the rise of communism in Indonesia is not a trivial thing, so it should be a resistance or precautions intensive tirelessly through Tabligh Akbar, discussed the rejection of communism, make regulations that forbid supporters of terrorism to rise again, and the government should never recognizes the locations of mass graves that supposedly is the grave of victims families group of former PKI members and friends that some locations such tomb supposedly in Semarang, Brebes and in Bali “taken care of” by the local government to clean up and leave the marker at the grave site, where this is a wrong step.
According to one cleric who became speaker in the event Tabligh Akbar “Wary Rise of Communism” in Masjid Ramadan Griya Shanta, Malang, East Java, which was organized by the Forum Ukhuwwat Inter Takmir Masjid se Malang, Forum brotherhood Youth Islamiyah and Institutions Takmir Masjid Ramadan Malang dated March 11, 2017, at this time we must be aware of the possibility of a new treason of the communists.
According to various sources obtained by the author, there are some facts that we must be cautious at this time is as follows emergence of political parties and NGOs that are clearly raised symbols leftist popular movements; Multidimensional crisis when this happens is conducive conditions that foster the communists; Horizontal conflicts that recently occurred in the wake of the political elite conflict appeared provide opportunities for them to infiltrate and treason; Many leaders of the PKI who was hiding outside the country to return to their homeland and often make a move “self-cleaning” and some even attempt to make a documentary that is one of them former PKI members who live in Sweden are located in one of the districts in West Sumatra, although the making the movie failed because of the refusal of society. In addition, any attempt to manipulate history G3OS / PKI using various mass media forums, social media and a variety of other ways including discussions discuss and support the communists in several universities in Indonesia.
What is Communism?
Communism is an ideology. Saxon is derived from Manifest der Kommunistischen written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, a political manifesto which was first published on February 21st, 1848. The theory of the Communists an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and contemporary) and the economic prosperity that then ever became one of the most influential movement in the world of politics.
Communism in the early birth is a correction to the understanding of capitalism in the early 19th century, in an atmosphere which assumes that workers and farm workers is only part of the production and are more concerned with economic welfare.
However, in the subsequent development, appeared several internal factions in communism among adherents of communists and communist revolutionary theory, each of which has a theory and a different way of struggle in the achievement of a socialist society to go with what he describes as a utopian society.
The government together with all the Indonesian people needs to believe that this time the PKI has risen and systematically lead to the formulation of the resurrection of the PKI. Responding to this, the signs of revival PKI must do resistance both constitutional and cultural structures.
In addition, the need for a solution that is massive, systematic, structured and sustainable to counteract the rise of the CPI as well as forming a unit of action to counter the rise of the CPI by involving all elements of society.
To the Government of Indonesia, the Indonesian people always hoped that President Jokowi and their staffs in order to be alert to the movement of subversive activities of foreign ideology communism, even if the need to strengthen and extend the status of decree ever issued where the Presidential decree states PKI and coat the organization as a party banned in Indonesia.
*) Arif Rahman, is a researcher at LSISI, Jakarta. Staying in East Lampung.