KNPB’s Maneuver and Tabuni’s Goliath Will Not Succeed

Information developed in Papua today is the mass action plan of West Papua National Committee (KNPB), Baliem Wamena who will hold a mass action on January 17, 2017 in order to support the international agenda of further trial of Melanesian Spearhead Group in Port Moresby, PNG. Although rumors are growing, so whether or not the action was still waiting for KNPB chairman of KNPB Centerdirection.
In fact, the spread rumors are mass ofKNPB sympathizers, Baliem who will take to the streets to support the international agenda of MSG further trial in the capital of PNG, Port Moresby that was ready with all the risks that would occur, due to already have the support of a group of Papuan separatist armed, among others from the group Purom Wenda in the district of Lanny Jaya, groups and group Enden Wanimbo Joshua Tabuni and Adolof Hisage.
According to a KNPBactivist, Wamena Baliem, they claimed to have been afraid to take action mass mobilization caused by trauma to the decisive action of the Indonesian authorities, since they are already supported by OPM or GSP.
Community in Wamena worrying that the planned mass action of KNPBsympathizers, Baliem, in order to support the international agenda of MSG further trial in the capital of PNG, Port Moresby will be made with lead to anarchy, because there are indications that KNPB Baliem already changed the pattern of action of action persuasive into mass action leads to anarchy.
Besides KNPB, the one who still likes to maneuver despite the fact that is aware of the failure is the Commander of OPM or GSP, Goliath Tabuni. Propaganda material issued Tabuni among others TPNPB war not ask for autonomy, division or ask for eating and drinking, but TPNPB war for independence of West Papua, the armed resistance and military TPNPB Indonesia, will not stop before the entrance of the UN peacekeeping mission in West Papua.
“To the leaders of ULMWP, NRFPB, WPNCL and PNWP should immediately stop the race cabinet and the constitution of each country. TPN-OPM does not recognize all of the cabinet and the constitution other than July 1st, 1971.Therefore, TPNPB give warning to a group that plays interests that hinder Papuan independence struggle.”he said.
Goliath Tabuni asserted, TPNPB and the people of West Papua fully supports ULMWP become a full member of MSG at MSG summit on 21-22 December 2016 in Vanuatu, with the reason that the people of West Papua is not Malay, we are Melanesians.
Broke and Failed
From the statement OF Goliath Tabuni above, it is clear that there is disharmony between separatistselements in Papua, proved Goliath Tabuni criticize depleted United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) which is led by Benny Wenda who was a fugitive at once fugitive politics who now lives in London, England. In fact, Benny Wenda always maintained that he did not love Papua, but his hometown is Oxford in the UK, such as Wenda says “I always say that Oxford is now my village”.
Goliath Tabuni also warned the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB), West Papua National Liberation Council (WPNCL) and the National Parliament of Papua Barat (PNPB). Judging from the criticism and the threat of Goliath Tabuni, then obviously both OPM OR GSP, KNPB, PNPB, ULMWP etc. that he will fight for the independence of the people of Papua, in fact striving to improve their own destiny.
According to the authors, many activists in Papua, which is now being “blind history” related to the integration of Papua into Indonesia, because of the integration process is final and legitimate Indonesia already has Papua, although this time is always politicized that what happened was not integration but decolonization.
In a book entitled “Internationalization Issues Papua: Actors, Modus, MotifofAn Anthology about Separating Papua From the Sovereignty Efforts of the Republic of Indonesia” published by LKBN between some leaders in Papua and outside Papua, among others, stated “I do not know exactly how long KNPB (the political wing of the OPM) continued to refuse a favor. Maybe they are looking for something they have not earned “says Bishop of Jayapura, Mgr. Leo Laba Ladjar, from OFM.
Meanwhile, Dean of Uncen FISIP in Jayapura, Prof. DR. Dirk Veplum, MS said: “If the dialogue carried out in order to find a solution to improve the welfare of people in Papua, certainly the central government will do. But the dialog to ask for the independence referendum is impossible “.
An observer of international law who lived in Jayapura, Papua, said the PNG government has little interest in diplomacy of OPM and certainly not all MSGcountries agree ULMWP will become full members of them, because it is already concerning the affairs of the sovereignty of a country that should be respected by other countries.
During this time, MSG summit seen by OPM and its supporters like ULMWP, KPNB etc as an opportunity to internationalize the issue of Papua. For that purpose, the figures of Papua already guerrilla to the member to MSG. Their goal, to become members of the MSG, the ideology of an independent Papua will be fought equally with the five countries of MSG.
So far as the evidence or KNPB ULMWP even OPM or GSP does not understand the history of Papua or the organization’s history are accepted as members of the MSG, because the Papuan separatist activists always pointed FLNKS of New Caledonia are included as members of the MSG.
In fact, despite of New Caledonia new membership of the MSG is represented by the Front de Liberation National Kanak Socialiste (FLNKS), but until now FLNKS remained an integral part of the nation New Caledonia. Therefore, if the supporters of the Papuan separatist represented ULMWP want to join MSG in the hope that Papua could be its own country, it’s just a false hope.
Starting from the above, it is almost certain maneuvers of Goliath Tabuni and KNPB or ULMWP will fail, and the best people in Wamena ignored or not followed rallies KNPB which will be held on January 17th, 2017, because of the protest only politicize the issue of Papua.
The author believes that the Indonesian people believe Wamena under Jokowi power will continue to observe the Papua problem seriously and will continue to build Papua. For what took OPM or GSP or KNPB that only offer false hopes and dreams rotten, and it is better that community supports the government of Jokowi in order to advance Papua. Hopefully.
*) Masdarsada, the observer of Papua in LSISI Jakarta. Live in Bandung, West Java.