The Bird of Kasuari Will Appear Jointly With The Bird of Cenderawasih on The Tribune of Papua

TNI Headquarters is planning to built the new Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua, namely the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command, beside the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command in the Province of Papua.
On November 8, 2016, the Media Reporters have met the Commander in Chief of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command, May. Gen. of TNI Hinsa Siburian to get the confirmation concerning the news on the foundation of the Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua, namely the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command as the addition of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command in the Province of Papua.
The Commander in Chief of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command May. Gen.of TNI Hinsa Siburian said the official foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command will be promulgated on November by the Chief of Staff of the Army, General of TNI Mulyono.
The Commander in Chief of the XVII / Cendrawasih Military Area Command, May. Gen. of TNI Hinsa Siburian also said he fully supports the foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command covering the Province of West Papua.
The Headquarters of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command will be built in the Village of Arfai, the sub district of South Manokwari, the district of West Manokmari, in the Province of West Papua. The Village of Arfai is also the location of the home bases of the C- Infantry Company and the D- Infantry Company of the Military District Command of 1703.
The XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command is commanding and controlling the Military Resort Command of Biak (on the North) and the Military Resort Command of Sorong (on the South).
The Militari Resort Command of Biak ia commanding and controlling the district of Biak, Manokwari, Teluk Wondama and Bintuni. The Military Resort Command of Sorong is commanding and controlling the district of South Sorong, Fakfak and Kaimana.
The Comment.
In general, the idea of the foundation of the new Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua as the addition to the existing Military Area Command in the Province of Papua now had been raised by General of TNI Gatot Nurmantiyo before he was appointed as the Commander in Chief of TNI more than two years ago.
Accordingly in general the foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Area MIitary Command in the Province of West Papua is actually not a new idea. The idea of General of TNI Gatot Nurmantiyo to build the additional Military Area Command in East part of Indonesia was started since he was still the Chief of Staff of the Army, some years ago. When he was still the Chief of the Staff of the Army, in various defense forum he presented his analysis about the future war and his idea to build one more Military Area Command to strengthen the Indonesian Defense System in the Eastern part of Indonesia.
Geopolitically the Eastern part of Indonesia is in venerable position to confront the open Pacific Ocean. He also predicted the future war tends to be directed to the countries along the Equator, such as Indonesia, as the rich country of the natural resources. Accordingly the strong Indonesian defense system is definitely important to be built in the East part of Indonesia.
Presently it is likely General of TNI Gatot Nurmantyo wants to realize his idea to build the new Military Area Command, in the Province of West Papua, namely The XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command as the partner of the XVII/Cendewasih Military Command the existing Military Area Command that is located in the Province of Papua. Papua is geopolitically to have the strategic position in view of the national defense of Eastern part of Indonesia.
Accordingly General of TNI Gatot Nurmantyo firmly stressed that the objective of the foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua is purely based on the interest of the needs to develop the Defense Capapibility of Indonesia in the Eatern part of Indonesia.
This strategic thinking is definitely dedicated to the interest of all the Indonesian Inhabitants, included the People of Papua. Accordingly it is earnestly hoped the People of Papua will understand it clearly.
The foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Militry Area Command is not based on the interest of any political or security situation of Papua. The foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command is based on purely the anticipation to the future war and Papua is one the important position of the Indonesia defense system. To defense the Country is the main mission of TNI supported by all the patriotic people of Indonesia, included the People of Papua.
“No Papuan political objective is involved in the foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua.” Said May. Gen. of TNI Hinsa Siburian. TNI is responsible on the Defense System of the Country and has to guarantee the best implementation of the Command and the Control and the supervision in all the defense position in the all around of Indonesia, including Papua as the strategic position of the Defense System in the Eastern part of Indonesia
It was said the venue of the promulgation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command will be held in the Village of Arfai, in the sub district of South Manokwari, the district of West Manokwari, in the Province of West Papua and simultaneously it will be officially inaugurated May. Gen. of TNI. Joppye Onesimus Wayangkau as the first Commander in Chief of the XVIII/Kasuari Miitary Area Command. He was born in Papua and he was also the first Commander in Chief of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command some years ago.
The decision to build the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command is based on the stratergic position of the Village of Arfai in the defense line to confront the South Sea and the large and open Sea of the Pacific. .
The foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command is likely the realization of the idea of General of TNI Gatot Nurmantyo to establish the strong defense line in the Eatern part of Indonesia.
And the appointment of May. Gen. of TNI Joppye Onesimus Wayangkau as the first Commander in Chief of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command is the pertinent appointment and he is believed being able to convince the People of Papua about the mission of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command, to prevent the emergence of misunderstanding among the people of Papua.
May.Gen. of TNI Joppye Onesimu Wayangkau is expected easily to work together with the People of Papua to lead the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command, as one of the important position in the Defense System in the Eastern part of Indonesia.
The People of Papuan have to remember Papua was playing important role in the Assault Military Campaign toward Japan by the Pacific Allied Forces under General Mc Arthur, Papua was one of the important and strategic position to assault to Japan in the Northern part of Pacific Ocean.
General of TNI Gatot Nurmantyo is of the idea that what kind of war will be in the Third World War , but the function and the role of the Pacific Ocean included the countries around the Pacific Ocean will not much different to the situation of the Second World War.
It is clear Papua is one of the important position in the defense line to confront the East and protecting Indonesia against the threat of the Pacific Ocean. To be aware to the future war, it is believed the foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command will become the proud of the People of Papua.
All of the staff members of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command will be mainly moved from the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command and a number of military personnel from the Army Headquarters and the members of some of the Army Units in Jakarta.
Though most of all the countries in the world are busy with their domestic situation, mainly in the economic and political field, but the world tension is also apparently an unending problems that have to become the attention of the countries in the world. The people of the World could never neglect the World situation such as the political and the military tension in the Middle East, the religious conflict in Syria, the confrontation between Ukraina and Rusia in Europe , the potential modern war in Korea Peninsula and the territorial dispute among nations in the South China Sea.
Recently people in the world have started to talk about the possibility of the Third World War , that could be started in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Syria, South China Sea or the Korea Peninsula but definitely the war will move into all the strategic area of the world.
Three main elements geopolitically influence the War moves into the other strategic areas of the world, were namely the geographic position, the natural resources and the philosophy or the ideology of the nation.
The Government of Indonesia is always thinking that one of its mission is to protect the nation, the country and the wealthy life of its inhabitant, as the basic interest of the Indonesian, living since Sabang in Aceh, until Merauke in Papua.
The decision of the Government of Indonesia to build the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua, beside the XVII/Censerawasih Military Area Command in the Province of Papua is an art of the strong will of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to protect the interest of the People of Indonesia.
Accordingly the Government of Indonesia honestly hope all the People of Papua understand and realize what is the basic interest of the Indonesian included the People of Papua. Our threat in this complicated world is too crucial. Accordingly the Unity is only the way of the Indonesian included The Papua to become strong enough to face the world problem.
The foundation of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Area Command in the Province of West Papua beside the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Area Command in the Province of Papua is also the necessity of the People of Papua to exist in the Crucial world.
Please the People of Papua to believe that Unity is the only way to make the Indonesian to include the People of Papua to become strong and live forever.
*) Soedibyo, Written by the Political and Security Affairs.