Mass Rally Which Is Support an Illegal Group is an Illegal Ones Too

Papuan student Obby Kogoya, 21, filed on Monday a pretrial motion challenging the Yogyakarta Police’s decision to name him a suspect. Obby registered the pretrial motion at the Sleman District Court through his lawyers from the Yogyakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH). “The pretrial hearing motion is filed by LBH Yogyakarta as a way of showing up the investigators’ oppressive acts in naming Obby a suspect,” said Emanuel “Edo” Gobay of LBH Yogyakarta told The Jakarta Post on Monday.
Obby is one of the Papuan students arrested by the police as they made their way to the Kamasan Papuan student boarding house on Jl. Kusumanegara in Yogyakarta, on Friday. The students were staging a peaceful rally in support of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua’s (ULMWP) full membership in the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) when a group of police suddenly approached to disperse them.
Obby attempted to escape but the police arrested him. The student was allegedly beaten before he was handcuffed. Obby was later taken to the Yogyakarta Police office where he was named a suspect for allegedly violating Articles 212, 213 and 351 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on using violence against state officials. He has since been required to report to the police twice a week. “From photos circulating that we’ve seen, it was Obby who suffered the violence,” said Edo.
He further said Obby was named a suspect without adequate preliminary evidence. Prosecutors had not been able to show any valid evidence or which witnesses they had questioned, he went on. National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) member Natalius Pigai said earlier there were potential human rights violations involved in Obby’s arrest.
Must Be Implemented
At a democratic country like Indonesia, whoever and whichever mass rally which is done must be had a positive purpose to increasing the quality of democracy in this country and also to reaching a postive goals to make much better nationalism and it should’nt be supported an undemocratic ideas such as supporting a separatist ideology or an illegal organization such as ULMWP.
In the case of Obby Kogoya’s arrest, from the news we shall know that Obby Kogoya was attempted to escape and he has an intention to join at “peaceful” mass rally which is done by a Papuan activist in Yogyakarta who allegedly has a link to West Papua National Committee or KNPB, an one of Papuan illegally organization which is supported ULMWP.
I think in the case of Obby Kogoya’s arrest which a number of human right observer or human right organization have their opinion that in those case, the apparatus is allegedly didn’t have adequate preliminary evidence should be tested.
Basically, a human right activist or a human right organization must be protected and should be defended all of an activist who has bravery against a government, because ones its a sexy issues which could be blamed and could be made a huge echoes inwhich its can erase a good image of these country.
However, we must be respected to the Yogyakarta Legal Aid Foundation’s efforts which is supported Obby Kogoya’s pretrial motion challenging the Yogyakarta Police’s decision to name him a suspect. I think in a pretrial motion, the judges will be supported Yogyakarta police’s decision because mass rally which is an illegall group or supporting a separatist ideology are an illegall ones too. The basic principle like this should be implemented, because if it shouldn’t be implemented in the era of borderless threat, it could be endangered our national integrity.
I think the involvement of Papuan students at KNPB or ULMWP didn’t make a positive gain for them because whenever the KNPB’s struggle to make ULMWP to be MSG’s member which is predicted didn’t happen because the integration of Papua to be an Indonesia’s territory is firmly have a strong basic international law and a national law, so that whatever efforts which is dedicated to supporting a separatist movement group basically ones is a forbidden actions and its to be violations to an international law and a national law.
Papuan students who is targeting as a member of KNPB or ULMWP should be realized that and taken a positive actions to pull or get out from an illegall group ones, because whoever Papuan students who is join to KNPB just only to be a political objects instead of to be a political subject. Being a political objects from KNPB or ULMWP actions just only make them being a political prisoner like Obby Kogoya. Its time for Papuan student to rejecting the existence of KNPB in any place of Indonesia. It should be tried. Goodluck and hopefully.
*) Masdarsada is a political observer. Residing in Bekasi, West Java.