Lack of Solidity, Can A Party Win the Election?

After delivering an Indonesian traditional short poem (pantun) duringthe celebration of National Education Day in Bireuen, Ruslan – the Regent –received polemics. The poem entitled “Pelita” got a strong response including from Kautsar, SHI, and Chair of Aceh Party fraction. As the result, Aceh Party’s (PA) bannersdisplaying Ruslan as candidate were dismounted by KPA members on Sunday, 29 May 2016.
Regarding this, according to some initial information gathered by aceHtrend, there was a licking accident in Keude Jeunib on Monday (30/05/2016). It began when Ayah Takim, the commander of Sagoe, Jeunib Area was removing the banners but being stopped one of KPA member supporting Ruslan, Mainsya. They had some arguments before Mainsya hit Ayah Takim. “Mainsya came and stopped me removing the banners, after some arguments, Ayah Takim got hit,” said one source in the inner circle. Post the incident, Ayah Takim made a report to the police. Meanwhile, Mainsya has disappeared.
Then, what is it in the poem to create such issue between KPA Aceh and PA? Here is the poem: “Untuk apa kita bakar lilin, kalau masih ada pelita. Untuk apa gubernur yang lain, kalau masih ada Abu Doto kita.”This poem, in short, endorses the candidacy of Abu Doto to be the next governor. After greeting the audience on Friday (27/05/2016), Ruslan also said, “yang bek tuwo ata lon peugah satnyoe”. All his statements indeed showed the disunity in PA.
Meanwhile, wrote that Tengku Azhar or known as Nek E, has resigned from his position as the Regional Commander of KPA/PA Langsa City. According to AJNN, he quits due to some internal situations in KPA/PA Langsa City. This statement is confirmed by the Secretary of PA’s Regional Representative Council (DPW) Langsa City, Furqan.
Previously, a tumult took place in Partai Aceh’s forum, Bansigom Aceh 2016 held in Grand Aceh Hotel on Sunday (10/4). The forum was intended to unify Partai Aceh’s vision and missions to welcome 2017 Local Election. According to some photos by AJNN, after the tumult, tables and chairs in the venue were in a mess. In fact, the table of the forum’s chair became the target of the members’ wrath.Meanwhile, some cars including those with official “red” plates could still be seen outside the venue after the tumult. Some Partai Aceh members wearing Partai Aceh shirts were also still sitting at the lobby. Until this news is published, there is no confirmation from Partai Aceh administrators. Partai Aceh spokesman, Suadi Sulaiman also did not answer the phone call.
Can PA Win Again In the Next Election?
The internal conflict within PA as shown by the Bireuen incident clearly depicted some showdowns and misunderstandings inside this party that was established by former GAM member. In general, the conflicts are triggered by political ambition and desire to be a regional leader but ignoring the capability and the integrity of themselves respectively.
The poem reading by Ruslan is a form of the freedom of expression that must be respected by other cadres in PA because this freedom is a symbol of democracy. Therefore, disagreement towards the content of the poem followed by licking and Ruslan’s banners removal only display the immaturity in democracy of the cadres of PA. Moreover, the resignation of the Regional Commander of KPA/PA Langsa Citytriggered by the internal conflict of this local party led by Muzakir Manaf or Mualem also displays similar situation of lack of maturity in PA. Given this situation, it is natural that many people outside Aceh worry about the future of Aceh if the regional leaders getting elected are dominated by the cadres of PA.
Meanwhile, the tumult taking place in Partai Aceh’s forum, for whatever reason, is not a good political lesson. Why? First, Partai Aceh is the most powerful party in Aceh right now because they have led this “Piazza of Mecca” since 2007 due to their victory in the election and they won again in 2012 election. As the consequences, they have many cadres both as local leaders and who sit in Local House of Representatives (DPRD) in provincial and regency level. So, the party should already have internal mechanism for conflict resolution.
Second, the tumult showed that there is a race for seats in the management of Partai Aceh because by being a part of management is a good political capital to run for the upcoming 2017 election. The reform in Partai Aceh’s management is obviously related to the election.
Third, the tumult that involved gunfire only showed how emotional the cadres of Partai Aceh are in dealing with internal affairs. People then may think that Mualem is lack of grip in his party internally although this current Vice Governor of Aceh has eventually been successful to put an end to the tumult.
Fourth, the tumult has represented acute “seeds” of internal conflict within Partai Aceh prior to 2017 election. Generally speaking, there are many from Partai Aceh who will run for governor in 2017 election such as Muzakir Manaf himself, Zaini Abdullah, Zakaria Zaman and Irwandi Yusuf. I believe that they respectively try to “downgrade” each other’s popularity both directly and indirectly by having a rendezvous with the campaign teams of respective candidates.
However, some people see the internal conflict in Partai Aceh as a political scenario. In the end, whoever get elected as Aceh’s leader will fight for full implementation of Helsinki MoU even though it may change the positive relationship between Aceh government and Central Government.
*) Wildan Nasution is a political researcher especially Aceh Politics. Resided in Batam, Kepri.