The Rise of Communism

By | June 7, 2016

The rise of communism through Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) is now on the spotlight especially after the emersion of “G30S victim reconciliation” demand from the leftish group through a symposium. In general, such demand is a contrary to what majority of people wish because PKI itself has a bloody track record for Indonesian people when it was in power.

In general, communism is an ideology or ism originated from  Manifest der Kommunistischen written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the first political manifesto released on 21 February 1848 about communism and an analysis on class struggle (the history and present day) as well as economic and welfare. The birth of communism is a correction to capitalism in early 19th century that considered workers and farmers as a part of production per se and put more emphasis on economic welfare.

International Communism

International communism as an ideology was applied after Bolshevik Revolution in Russia on 7 November 1917 on which the ideology began to spread to other countries. In 2005, the only states that still adhere to communism were China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and Laos.

Indonesia and Communism

Indonesia was once one of great communism power in the world. The birth of PKI in 1920 was the next stage of the first phase of communist domination in the country, or even in Asia. The national great figure was Tan Malaka. He is a memorable figure for the struggle in many countries such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines.

In Indonesia, the dissolution of communism was marked by the bloody incident followed by a slaughter resulting many casualties. The suspects who were communist followers, were then named as ex-tapol during new order era with so many restriction in their life.

Communism has died?

Many people expected that communism has died since the dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991, yet to date, communist party still exists in all over the world and actively campaigns for the rights of worker and student class as well as anti-imperialism. Communism itself has been embraced politically and economically by various communities.

As described by Anthony Giddens, communism and socialism have not died. Both are the ghosts willing to eliminate capitalism forever.

Nowadays, in many countries, communism has turned into a new form known as “New Left” or into certain style communism like in Cuba and Vietnam. In some other countries, communists still exist but mostly opposing the ruling government.

Present days communism in Indonesia

The issue of the rise of PKI has filled the public space since President Joko Widodo took the office. Some indications are the meetings, seminars, and symposium at national and even international level organized by Human Rights activists.

Previously, there has been a “New Style of PKI” (PKI Gaya Baru) or the New Style of Communist (Komunis Gaya Baru / KGB) that creates a community of 1965 victim which then demands for compensation from the government and submits a complaint to Human Rights Court. These efforts aim to bring back communism in Indonesia.

This of course cannot be ignored by both religion and nationalist figures because in general communism is against Pancasila. Communist adhere to atheism (no God) and ignores human rights because it obliges its followers to obey the doctrines of the party. In managing state and nation, communism does not recognize other party or opposition so there is no freedom of speech and very state-center. In contrast, Pancasila applies monotheism and the human rights is protected even for the minority, nationalism is highly upheld, decision is taken through “musyawarah mufakat”, no party domination, upholding freedom of speech in accordance with the existing Law, nation, people, and state interests are the priority.

Ideology wise, communism is obviously the contrary of the ideals of the nation. Indonesia is a plural country with so many varieties within the society but united as symbolized by Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Besides, Indonesia is a country that respects religions. Therefore, communism is no relevant to exist in Indonesia.

These great differences between communism and Pancasila as the spirit of Indonesian independence assure that Pancasila is the only ideology for Indonesia. Therefore, let us grow and implement the spirit of Pancasila in our daily life by promoting tolerance, respect and appreciation to others, and democracy. We must refuse communism and avoid any other ideology that is contrast to the ideals of Indonesia.

*) Almira Fadillah a Post-Graduate Student of Gunadharma University Jakarta

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