PNPB Is Just Only A Provocateur in Papua

West Papua National Parliament (PNPB) has declared general exclamation which is invite Papuan’s society to join at mass rallies on 31 May 2016. PNPB has argued that emergency status has been happened at Papua’s territory which is created by the Indonesian Military (TNI), National Police (Polri), Islam Defender Front (FPI) and Barisan Merah Putih.
On their exclamation, PNPB has responded dan declared West Papua’s society demand for international intervention to watching referendum implementation in West Papua by IPWP/International Parliament for West Papua on Westminster declaration on 3 May 2016 at English Parliament Building. For those purpose, PNPB has exclamationed to all of Papua struggle group’s its no time to make gap or differences who is the leader of movement nowadays, which organization is a domination at field now and who is a political respondbility nowadays.
An exclamation is signed by Buchtar Tabuni (PNPB’s chief) has stated that an action on 31 May 2016 is an united moment for West Papua’s people who is agree to separate with Indonesia. Buchtar Tabuni has demanded these an exclamation could be heard by all of the leader of Papua’s struggle organization in West Papuato condolidate and join in mass rallies which is purposed to paralyzed all of the center of cities in West Papua.
Must be Questioned and Full of Lie
PNPB’s exclamation which is circulated by Buchtar Tabuni if we detail observed actually its has been shown how the weakened the struggle organization in Papua, which could be proven with 3 questions at the exclamation are its no time to make gap or differences who is the leader of movement nowadays, which organization is a domination at field now and who is a political respondbility nowadays.
The weakness of Papua’s struggle organization such as PNPB, National Committee for West Papua (KNPB), Districts People Parliament (PRD) and United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) and IPWP had been predicted and mapped by Indonesian intelligence apparatus. The indication of weakness from Papua’s struggle organization as follows : first, Papua’s struggle organization has always been circulated false news to Papua’s society so that those exclamation couldn’t be heeded by Papua’s society, even ones has judged PNPB etc as a ambitious political maniac communities which is politized Papua’s people faith.
Second, these struggle organization which is lead by Papua’s political avonturir’s that predicted done their activities just only for “themselves interest”.
Third, PNPB etc is illegally organization so that join with them would be sorrowed by Papuan people’s because they will be faced with a positive law in Indonesia.
Fourth, operandi modus whic is PNPB’s mass rallies is always arrangemented to be chaotic with security apparatus, because if its happened their mass rallies could be made international support. Realizing that, a security apparatus which is on duty in Papua will react maturity and its didn’t provoke by PNPB etc. Yet, if those mass rallies tend to anarchy, separatism voiced and disturbing peaceful in Papua, so that a security apparatus in Papua will be firmly taken reaction on those situation, moreover cultural society in Papua had been supported a security apparatus step to capture and to repell PNPB etc members.
Fifth, on international intervention oversee the implementation of the referendum in West Papua by IPWP which is declarated at the declaration of Westminster on May 3, 2016 in the building of the British Parliament as it is written in the appeal is unreasonable and a cheap political propaganda for a support group OPM, as unlikely a British parliamentary support for Papua’s independence because it would damage diplomatic relations between the UK and Indonesia. Therefore, the exclamation of PNPB’s is a wind full of lies and nonsense.
*) Wildan Nasution is a political observer. Residing in Batam, Riau Province Islands.