Polemics The Authority of Managing of the Village

Law Number 6 of 2014 on the village had been passed the House last period in December 2014 ago, as year-end gifts that time. Village Law is a set of rules regarding the conduct of government village with consideration has been developed in various forms that need to be protected and empowered. This Act also set the material on the principle of setting, the status and type village, arrangement village, the authority of the village, the governing village, rights and obligations of the village and the village community, village regulations, finance village and assets village, rural development and regional development in rural areas, village-owned enterprises, cooperation village, community institutions and the village of Desa Adat Institutions, as well as development and supervision in addition, the act also regulates the special provision that only applies to the village people.
One of the most crucial points in the discussion of the bill the village is related to budget allocations for the village, in the elucidation of Article 72 Paragraph 2 of the Financial Village. Total budget allocations directly to the village, set at 10 percent and transfer funds outside the area. Then consider the number of population, poverty, area, geographic difficulties. This is in order to improve rural communities because it is estimated each village will get about 1.4 billion fund based on calculations in the elucidation of the village law, namely, 10 percent of the state budget and transfer area according to the village of Rp. 59, 2 trillion, coupled with funds from the budget by 10 percent around Rp. 45.4 trillion. Total funding for the village is Rp. 104, 6 trillion, which will be divided into 72 thousand villages across Indonesia.
But its implementation is still causing bumps, tug of war between the Homeaffairs Ministry and The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry. They have their own interpretations on the regulations about the village as detailed in the legislation. The Homeaffairs Ministry rests on Law No. 6/2014 on villages in Article 1 (16) ruled that the minister in question is the minister in charge of the village. In a common explanation in the Act, stated that the minister in charge of the village today is the Minister of Homeaffairs. Then Article 112 paragraph (1) states that the government in question now is the Homeaffairs Minister who shall administer the general administration of the village. With such a foothold, the Homeaffairs Ministry feel worthy and entitled to take care of the village. While The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry rests Presidential Decree No 165/2014 of Arrangement Duties and Functions Working Cabinet set that they served to lead and coordinate the implementation of tasks and functions in the area of the village. From its nomenclature, The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry feel more fit to run the mandate of the Village Act, including taking care of the village fund.
Village Law was made to speed up the commitment of a very noble prosperiting village, because it is not wise if the law can not be implemented as soon as possible just because the tug of war between the two ministries authority. More is not beautiful anymore when there is the impression that what is happening is not just scramble care of the village, but a scramble care of a very large village funds.
More embarrassing if the public considers that the protracted preparation Organization and Work Procedure Unit (SOTK) The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry because of interests between political party elites. Mentioned that the PDI-P and NasDem Party concerned that the majority of village affairs, especially village government affairs still handled by the Ministry of Home Affairs. While The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry is supported by the National Awakening Party (PKB) guided by the Law Village confirming that village affairs handled holistically by The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry, as the ministry formed specifically to address the implementation of the Law on the Village.
Village Renewal Forum (EFF) National, Agus Tri Raharjo mention the seizure of the authority running the Village Act between Home Affairs Ministry with The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry is fill by political interest. The cause funds to be disbursed to the management and rural empowerment worth billions of rupiah became seizure of the two ministries, because the budget is big enough. Home Affairs Minister must have long-term political interests of his party. The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry also has a rights, because based on president’s order to advance and development of the village. According to the EFF, who has been guarding the birth of the Village Law prefers The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry to run the Village Act and suggested that the Ministry of Home Affairs sub-district level upwards care.
Over the past two weeks has been the debate over the village authority between The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry with Ministry of Home Affairs is widely publicized by social media. Author hopes these polemics be terminated, as it will make the rural community and it actually appeared uneasy assumption has been disharmony among ministries in the government of President Joko Widodo. Moreover, both political parties who support the Ministry of Home Affairs and supporting The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry are both derived from the Indonesian Coalition Deal (KIH) which supports Jokowi-JK government. When this disagreement continues to be allowed to develop can cause divisions in the coalition that could impede the wheels of government.
President Joko Widodo should immediately decide which one takes care of the Ministry of the village in order to put an end to the anxiety of rural communities. Because the decision hang it will only make the Development abandoned village. The National Awakening Party asked President Joko Widodo to immediately clarify the realization of the Law on the Village, by handing over the responsibility of implementing the The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry. The National Awakening Party assess the implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 on village that still constrained matter who is authorized to run if the Ministry of Home Affairs or The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry. National Awakening Party requesting the implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 left entirely to The Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry. Jokowi slowness associated with handling problems in the village, the National Awakening Party (PKB) assesses Jokowi is not consistent with his pledge.
Just a reminder, in Subang regency, West Java, when hearing complaints of citizens concerned have not discharge Presidential Decree Act Village, Jokowi said that if it had not come out, if I were president I immediately remove the village regulation. Because based on the elucidation of Article 72 Paragraph (2) and Article 72 Paragraph (4) in the Village Law, the amount of the average obtained by each village in Indonesia is valued at USD 1.4 billion per year. The fund thinks could be used to help the development of agricultural infrastructure or into capital farmers.
On that occasion, Jokowi said the agricultural infrastructure is also needed such as irrigation and dam building as much as possible. Instead of building a shopping center that can actually improve the culture of consumption. Jokowi added that farmers were specialized banks should be formed so that the farmers are not looking for a loan from money lenders at exorbitant interest rates. Also the farmers closer to the market. Because brokers often caused farmers to erode profits. If that is done, the exchange of money in the area to be great. People’s welfare because the people producing.
*) Masdarsada is an economist. Residing in Ambon, Maluku