Positive Statement of Jayapura Indigenous People Requires Support

Positive Statement of Jayapura Indigenous People Requires Support

The indigenous people of Jayapura regency explicitly reject the existence of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in indigenous territory of Sentani and its vicinity. This rejection was delivered in Para Para Adat of Felle Tribe. The existence of KNPB is considered to create chaos in Jayapura.

The press conference was attended by Boaz Assa Enock (Ondoafi Kampung Sosiri), Sefnat Kreuta (Ondoafi Kampung Doyo Baru), Melias Monim (Ondoafi Kampung Putali), Oktovianus Pangkali (Ondofolo Yahim), Fredik Stenly Deda (Ondofolo Hedam Ayapo) and Sarlens LS Ayatonai (Youth Representative of Jayapura district).

Boaz Assa Enock (Ondoafi Sosiri) asked those non-Mamta communities  who live in the area of Jayapura to follow the wheels of development system that rotates both from the government and customs, as well as to comply and obey customary rules applied in each Ondofolo in the area.

“One thing we should be aware is that we firmly resist the group of KNPB because it is not registered in an organization that was set out by the government. We asked the provincial and local governments and the security forces not to remain silent and must open their eyes and make specific measures to solve the problems,” he said.

The indigenous people of Sentani even asked the provincial and local governments to return the whole community who joined KNPB to their respective regions. “Indigenous people of Jayapura are expecting peace and a good development progress in Jayapura, so that the communities will be prosperous,” he said. They also highlighted that if the provincial and district government take their statement for granted, they, the indigenous people and Ondoafi, will take its own stance.

Meanwhile Nel Oktovianus Monim (Ondofolo Puntali) said that as an indigenous person, witnessing all the things that happened in Papua especially in Jayapura is very heart-breaking. There is a specific group or organization, such as KNPB, which is beyond our reach, always disturbing the public and government.

“We conveyed to the governments both the Governor and President that we firmly reject the KNPB group because it is contrary to our custom,” said Nel.

The press conference was ended with reading of statements, such as, to urge the police to take firm action on small groups like KNPB, PRD and ULMWP, as well as to legally process those who use symbols that are prohibited or banned by state in accordance with Government Regulation No. 77 year 2007. Requesting TNI / Polri to safeguard and protect the other people of Papua from anarchic acts during rallies.

Demanding to stop doing public deception on behalf of the people of Papua conducted by ULMWP group since they are foreign NGOs fighting for their personal and certain group interests, not as a representative of the people of Papua.

KNPB group is always making trouble over the land of Papua, therefore the Papuans do not want to get involved in their lies and get caught up in the group. KNPB is a terror to the advancement of the Papua communities.

We expect the Papua society not to be provoked by the issues of independence of Papua conveyed by parties who are not responsible, because Papua remains in the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) to date. Societies refuse to accept the existence of “wild” groups such as KNPB group that keeps on plaguing the society. What we want is peace and serenity, as well as comprehensive development to the villages. Papua community resist and will fight against any attempts to threaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

We Papuans support the decisive action taken by military/police against the anarchist spreading hatred committed by any party.


Requiring Support

Statement of Jayapura regency indigenous people is a positive example of a comprehensive understanding on the local issue that gives impact both nationally and internationally. This statement also describes the positive response and awareness to defend the country constructively.

Indigenous people of Jayapura regency are very smart in analyzing strategic issues faced by their region. Their statement is clearly rejecting the existence of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), the Regional Parliament (PRD) and the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as well as other political organizations in Papua which are in line with OPM and Benny Wenda group that “sell” and “politicize” the issue of Papua in international forum. In fact, the existence of this organization is completely denied by many indigenous communities in Papua.

The statement issued by indigenous people of Jayapura district is also a form of hatred against KNPB which has sold the issue of Papuan independence, whereas the indigenous people themselves feel peaceful and serene if Papua remains under the homeland of Indonesia republic. This statement is also a form of their alertness to fight against KNPB if the organization’s management do not immediately dissolve the organization.

The Jayapura indigenous people statement also illustrates the efforts of provocation and propaganda which are undertaken by KNPB, Benny Wenda, or other OPM’s political wings which have failed. In future, indigenous people in Papua seem not to be easily agitated by KNPB because they’re aware that they are only victims of excessive political passion of separatism group.

A positive attitude shown by indigenous people in Papua is growing because they believe the Jokowi’s government will pay more attention to Papua than the previous governments.

DATUAK-foto warna*) Datuak Tjumano, The observer of the Papua issue,  A researcher at Galesong Institute who stays in Padang, West Sumatra.



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